Nobel Prize 2015 Quiz Questions
1) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Medicine?
a) William Campbell, Satoshi Omura, Youyou Tu
b) Edgar Douglas Adrian, Charles Sherrington
c) Henrik Dam
d) Max Theiler
2) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Medicine given?
a) Discoveries regarding function of neurons
b) Development of Ivermectin and Artemisinin
c) Yellow fever discoveries
d) Discover of Vitamin K
3) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Physics?
b) Takaaki Kajita, Arthur McDonald
c) John William Strutt
d) Johannes Stark
4) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Physics given?
a) Discovery of argon
b) Discovery of Doppler effect in positive ion rays
c) Discovering that neutrinos have mass
d) Exploration of Pluto
5) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Chemistry?
a) Henri Moissan
b) Fritz Haber
c) Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich, Aziz Sancar
d) Norman Haworth, Paul Karrer
6) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Chemistry given?
a) Synthesis of ammonia
b) Research on carotenoids
c) Isolation of fluorine
d) Mapping and explaining how the cell repairs its DNA
7) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Literature?
a) Robert Lawrence Stine
b) John Le Carre
c) Gabriela Mistral
d) Svetlana Alexievich
8) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Literature given?
a) Poems full of love of children and downtrodden
b) Polyphonic writings, a monument to suffereing and courage
c) Spy stories
d) Children’s horror fiction novels
9) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Peace?
a) Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet
b) Angela Merkel
c) David Cameron
d) John Kerry
10) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Peace given?
a) Welcoming refugees to Germany
b) Contribution to building plurastic democracy
c) Peaceful referundum on Scotland’s indepence
d) Iran nuclear agreement
Nobel Prize 2015 Quiz Questions with Answers
1) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Medicine?
a) William Campbell, Satoshi Omura, Youyou Tu
2) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Medicine given?
b) Development of Ivermectin and Artemisinin
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015 was divided, one half jointly to William C. Campbell and Satoshi ?mura “for their discoveries concerning a novel therapy against infections caused by roundworm parasites” and the other half to Youyou Tu “for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria”.
3) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Physics?
b) Takaaki Kajita, Arthur McDonald
4) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Physics given?
c) Discovering that neutrinos have mass
5) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Chemistry?
c) Tomas Lindahl, Paul Modrich, Aziz Sancar
6) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Chemistry given?
d) Mapping and explaining how the cell repairs its DNA
7) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Literature?
d) Svetlana Alexievich
8) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Literature given?
b) Polyphonic writings, a monument to suffereing and courage
9) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Peace?
a) Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet
10) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Peace given?
b) Contribution to building plurastic democracy