Black Hole Quiz Questions
1) What is a black hole?
a) Comet that has turned black
b) Top of a galaxy
c) Bottom of a galaxy
d) Evolutionary end point of a massive star
2) What is the density of a black hole?
a) Density of oil
b) Density of water
c) Density of Uranium
d) Infinite
3) What can escape from a black hole?
a) Air
b) Water
c) Nothing
d) Light
4) How much is the Schwarzschild radius?
a) Speed of sound
b) Speed of light
c) Speed of aeroplane
d) Speed of rocket
5) What is an imploded core of a massive star produced by a supernova explosion?
a) Electron Star
b) Photon Star
c) Neutron Star
d) Positron Star
6) Who proposed that black holes can evaporate?
a) John Oppenheimer
b) Karl Schwarzschild
c) Stephen Hawking
d) Julian Huxley
7) What divides space time into “inside” and “outside”?
a) Event horizon
b) Singularity
c) Gravity
d) Meteor
8) Who coined the term “black hole”?
a) John Mitchell
b) Pierre Simon Laplace
c) John Wheeler
d) Isaac Newton
9) Who rejected the existence of black holes?
a) Albert Einstein
b) C. V. Raman
c) Enrico Phermi
d) John Dalton
10) What is a black hole running back in time?
a) White hole
b) Worm hole
c) Green hole
d) Insect hole
Black Hole Quiz Questions with Answers
1) What is a black hole?
d) Evolutionary end point of a massive star
2) What is the density of a black hole?
d) Infinite
3) What can escape from a black hole?
c) Nothing
4) How much is the escape speed in Schwarzschild radius?
b) Speed of light
5) What is an imploded core of a massive star produced by a supernova explosion?
c) Neutron Star
6) Who proposed that black holes can evaporate?
c) Stephen Hawking
7) What divides space time into “inside” and “outside”?
a) Event horizon
8) Who coined the term “black hole”?
c) John Wheeler
9) Who rejected the existence of black holes?
a) Albert Einstein
10) What is a black hole running back in time?
a) White hole
I am just a 9 year old kid who likes space and studies it. i know a lot of stuff and the only answers i got wrong on a quiz about space was the people who discovered it and history and stuff like that. i know everything so you cant do nothin’
Only questions about ‘who’ went wrong.
easy quiz harder plz and iz just 14 at pap college
If it takes the speeds of light to escape the event horizon, is it not the case that an object approaching the event horizon from infinity would also be accelerated to reach the speed of light when it eats the event horizon? But is that also no possible since the object would then have infinite energy.
So how do objects cross the event horizon to fall into the black hole?