1. When was Gerard Manley Hopkins born?
a) 18 January 1834
b) 19 April 1838
c) 28 July 1844
d) 19 December 1836
2. Where was Gerard Manley Hopkins born?
a) Stratford
b) Glasgow
c) Liverpool
d) London
3. Which college did Gerard Manley Hopkins attend?
a) Pembroke College
b) Trinity College
c) Christ’s College
d) Balliol College
4. Who received Gerard Manley Hopkins in the Roman Catholic Church?
a) Basil Hume
b) John Heenan
c) John Henry Newman
d) Timothy Manning
5. Which order did Gerard Manley Hopkins join?
a) Carmelite
b) Jesuit
c) Franciscan
d) Benedictine
6. Which magazine rejected Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poem The Wreck of the Deutschland?
a) The Month
b) The New Leader
c) The Herald
d) Time
7. How are the sonnets Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote in 1885 known?
a) Beautiful sonnets
b) Melodious sonnets
c) Lovely sonnets
d) Terrible sonnets
8. When did Gerard Manley Hopkins die?
a) 7 March 1894
b) 8 June 1889
c) 18 July 1899
d) 20 November 1898
9. Where did Gerard Manley Hopkins die?
a) Kent
b) Belfast
c) Dublin
d) Oxford
10. Who published the first collected edition of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poems in 1918?
a) Robert Bridges
b) Stephen Spender
c) Richard Dixon
d) Coventry Patmore
Gerard Manley Hopkins Quiz Answers
1. When was Gerard Manley Hopkins born?
c) 28 July 1844
2. Where was Gerard Manley Hopkins born?
a) Stratford
3. Which college did Gerard Manley Hopkins attend?
d) Balliol College
4. Who received Gerard Manley Hopkins in the Roman Catholic Church?
c) John Henry Newman
5. Which order did Gerard Manley Hopkins join?
b) Jesuit
6. Which magazine rejected Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poem The Wreck of the Deutschland?
a) The Month
7. How are the sonnets Gerard Manley Hopkins wrote in 1885 known?
d) Terrible sonnets
8. When did Gerard Manley Hopkins die?
b) 8 June 1889
9. Where did Gerard Manley Hopkins die?
c) Dublin
10. Who published the first collected edition of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poems in 1918?
a) Robert Bridges