Tag: Trivia Quiz Questions

Urban VIII Quiz

1. When was Maffeo Barberini born? a) 5 April 1568 b) 9 March 1562 c) 11 July 1558 d) 4 December 1556 2. Where was Maffeo Barberini born? a) Florence b) Genoa c) Venice d) Lisbon 3. Where was Maffeo Barberini governor? a) Corsica b) Fano c) Helvetia d) Estonia 4. Of which titular archdiocese was Maffeo Barberini made archbishop? a) Bethlehem b) Nazareth c) New York d) Tarsus

Gregory XIV Quiz

(Gregory XIV is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) Copyright © 2009 Vincent Augustine D’Souza 1. When was Niccolo Sfondrati born? a) 11 February 1535 b) 6 May 1526 c) 25 August 1528 d) 23 October 1540 2. Where was Niccolo Sfondrati born? a) Valetta b) Tbilisi c) Somma d) Helsinki 3. Of which diocese was Niccolo Sfondrati bishop? a) Algiers b) Tripoli c) Rabat d) Cremona 4. When was Niccolo Sfondrati consecrated bishop? a) 29 February 1556 b) 3 June 1565 c) 28 September 1564 d) 8 October 1560 5. When was Niccolo ... Read more

Alexander VII Quiz

1. Where was Fabio Chigi born? a) L’Aquila b) Turin c) Sienna d) Guzman 2. From which university did Fabio Chigi get doctorates in law, philosophy and theology? a) Urban University b) University of Pisa c) University of Sienna d) St. Thomas University 3. Where was Fabio Chigi vice-legate? a) Tunisia b) Libya c) Sweden d) Ferrara

Gregory XV Quiz

1. When was Alessandro Ludovici born? a) 1 May 1563 b) 9 January 1554 c) 12 June 1552 d) 7 November 1546 2. Where was Alessandro Ludovici born? a) Mantua b) Bologna c) Avignon d) Lausanne 3. From which university did Alessandro Ludovici graduate in civil and canon law? a) University of Bologna b) University of Pisa c) University of Padua d) St. Thomas University

Football World Cup 1934 Quiz

1) Where was Football World Cup 1934 held? a) Italy b) Germany c) Brazil d) Spain 2) Who of the following boycotted Football World Cup 1934? a) Argentina b) Brazil c) USA d) Uruguay 3) Who defeated Brazil 3-1 in Football World Cup 1934? a) Austria b) Belgium c) Spain d) Italy

Nicholas III Quiz

1. Where was Giovanni Gaetano Orsini born? a) Mantua b) Bologna c) Avignon d) Rome 2. When was Giovanni Gaetano Orsini created cardinal? a) 7 March 1241 b) 28 May 1244 c) 9 September 1236 d) 18 October 1234 3. Who created Giovanni Gaetano Orsini cardinal? a) Leo IX b) Sixtus V c) Innocent IV d) Adrian V

St. Rose of Lima Quiz

1. When was St. Rose of Lima born? a) 30 January 1573 b) 30 April 1586 c) 28 September 1569 d) 5 November 1570 2. Where was St. Rose of Lima born? a) Quito b) Sao Paolo c) Caracas d) Lima 3. What was St. Rose of Lima’s original name? a) Isabel De Flores b) Elena de la Rua c) Dulcinea la Mancha d) Sophia Sanchez

Clement X Quiz

1. Where was Emilio Altieri born? a) Milan b) Berne c) Rome d) Geneva 2. Of which diocese was Emilio Altieri bishop? a) Madrid b) Cameroni c) Barcelona d) Amsterdam 3. Where was Emilio Altieri auditor? a) Sweden b) Norway c) Finland d) Poland

St. Athanasius Quiz

1. When was St. Athanasius born? a) c. 114 b) c. 158 c) c. 296 d) c. 450 2. Where was St. Athanasius born? a) Tyre b) Sidon c) Rome d) Alexandria 3. When did St. Athanasius become a deacon? a) 146 b) 212 c) 246 d) 319

Pius X Quiz

(Pius X is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 1) When was Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto born? a) 19 August 1840 b) 14 May 1836 c) 2 June 1835 d) 22 February 1838 2) Where was Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto born? a) Riese b) Desio c) Fribourg d) Etna 3) When was Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto ordained a priest? a) 31 May 1857 b) 18 September 1858 c) 7 April 1856 d) 30 June 1855