Tag: Trivia Quiz Questions

Christmas Quiz

1) Whose birth is celebrated on Christmas? a) Jesus b) Mary c) Joseph d) John the Baptist 2) Who was the Roman Emperor when the census was ordered? a) Nero b) Augustus c) Tiberius d) Caligula 3) Where is the Church of Nativity? a) Bethlehem b) Jericho c) Jerusalem d) Nazareth

Lent Quiz

1) Which is the first day of Lent? a) Ash Wednesday b) Valentine’s Day c) Shrove Tuesday d) Maundy Thursday 2) What is the original meaning of Lent? a) Autumn b) Spring c) Fast d) Penance 3) Which is the last Sunday of Lent? a) Easter Sunday b) Whit Sunday c) Palm Sunday d) Pentecost Sunday

Nicholas IV Quiz

1. When was Girolamo Masci born? a) 26 October 1209 b) 6 April 1218 c) 19 August 1226 d) 30 September 1227 2. Which order did Girolamo Masci join? a) Dominican b) Benedictine c) Franciscan d) Redemptorist 3. Who sent Girolamo Masci to Constantinople in 1272? a) Leo X b) Gregory X c) Benedict XV d) Adrian VI

Urban VI Quiz

1. Where was Bartolomeo Prignano born? a) Athens b) Naples c) Acropolis d) Nicosia 2. Of which archdiocese was Bartolomeo Prignano appointed archbishop in 1363? a) Dublin b) Acerenza c) Baltimore d) Caracas 3. Of which archdiocese was Bartolomeo Prignano appointed archbishop in 1377? a) Quito b) Asmara c) Bari d) Cordoba

Bible Quizzes | Genesis Quiz

1) Who is the first man? a) Adam b) Seth c) Isaac d) Joseph 2) Who is the first woman? a) Sarah b) Hagar c) Eve d) Keturah 3) The fruit of which tree was forbidden to eat? a) Tree of beauty b) Mango tree c) Cashew tree d) Tree of the knowledge of good and evil

Paul III Quiz

1. When was Alessandro Farnese born? a) 29 February 1468 b) 1 April 1464 c) 27 August 1472 d) 3 October 1460 2. With which diocese was Alessandro Farnese invested in 1509? a) Vicenza b) Moderna c) Perugia d) Parma 3. Who sent Alessandro Farnese as legate to Lateran Council V in 1512? a) Leo X b) Alexander VI c) Julius II d) Adrian IV

Bible Quizzes | Joshua Quiz

Joshua Quiz Questions 1. Who was Joshua’s father? a) Aaron b) Nadab c) Nun d) Jephunneh 2. Which was Joshua’s tribe? a) Ephraim b) Judah c) Benjamin d) Asher 3. Who appointed Joshua his successor? a) Samuel b) Moses c) David d) Jacob 4. Who hid spies sent by Joshua to Jericho? a) Ruth b) Tamar c) Deborah d) Rahab 5. Where did Joshua have the Jews circumcised? a) Ramoth b) Gilgal c) Yarmuth d) Nablus 6. Who was stoned for hiding a part of the booty he got during the conquest of Jericho? a) Korah b) Absalom c) Achan ... Read more

St. Grace Quiz

1) Who is the father of St. Grace? a) Haroon Al Rashid b) Almanzor c) Albert d) Canute 2) Where was St. Grace born? a) Lerida b) Tripoli c) Rabat d) Fatima 3) What was the name of St. Grace at the time of her birth? a) Farida b) Zahira c) Zaida d) Anamika 4) Who is the brother of St. Grace? a) St. Bernard b) St. Dominic c) St. Benedict d) St. Thomas 5) Who is the sister of St. Grace? a) St. Elizabeth b) St. Anna c) St. Mary d) St. Martha 6) In which country is Lerida? ... Read more

Pius IX Quiz

Pope Pius IX (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Pius IX Quiz Questions 1) When was Pius IX crowned pope? a) 7 September 1842 b) 31 August 1859 c) 17 May 1840 d) 21 June 1846 2) Which of the following acts was done by Pius IX on 16 July 1846? a) Granting amnesty to political exiles and prisoners b) Declaring Holy Year c) Calling Ecumenical Council d) Promulgating Code of Canon Law 3) Where did Pius IX flee on 24 November 1848? a) Berlin b) Gaeta c) Paris d) London 4) Which country defeated the enemies of Pius IX and helped him ... Read more

St. Philip Neri Quiz

1. When was St. Philip Neri born? a) 4 March 1508 b) 14 April 1506 c) 21 July 1515 d) 9 December 1519 2. Where was St. Philip Neri born? a) Brindisi b) Florence c) Padua d) Rocca Secca 3. When did St. Philip Neri come to Rome? a) 1524 b) 1533 c) 1517 d) 1529