Tag: Trivia Quiz Questions

Clement XII Quiz

1) When was Lorenzo Corsini born? a) 4 March 1650 b) 7 April 1652 c) 3 August 1648 d) 11 December 1642 2) Where was Lorenzo Corsini born? a) Florence b) Naples c) Parma d) Bologna 3) Which University did Lorenzo Corsini attend? a) La Sapienza b) St. Thomas c) Pisa d) Urban

Benedict XI Quiz

1. Where was Niccolo Boccasini born? a) Ottoville b) Viterbao c) Treviso d) Saverdun 2. Which order did Niccolo Boccasini join? a) Cistercian b) Carthusian c) Franciscan d) Dominican 3. When did Niccolo Boccasini become the master general? a) 1248 b) 1294 c) 1296 d) 1276

Innocent VII Quiz

(Innocent VII is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 1. Where was Cosimo de Migliorati born? a) Florence b) Venice c) Sulmona d) Verona 2. Of which archdiocese was Cosimo de Migliorati archbishop? a) Westminster b) Montreal c) Ravenna d) Sydney 3. When was Cosimo de Migliorati consecrated bishop? a) 21 March 1406 b) 11 June 1401 c) 19 September 1409 d) 5 December 1387

St. Stephen Quiz

1) St. Stephen is known as protomartyr. What is the meaning of protomartyr? a) First martyr b) Last martyr c) Second martyr d) First apostle 2) What is the meaning of Stephen? a) Sceptre b) Throne c) Robe d) Crown 3) Which part of the Bible tells about St. Stephen? a) Genesis 1/1-2/4 b) Psalms 123-125 c) Acts 6/1-8/2 d) Apocalypse 7/1-8/15

Bible Quizzes | Solomon Quiz

(This quiz is about Biblical King Solomon.) 1) Who was Solomon’s father? a) Abraham b) Boaz c) David d) Saul 2) Who was Solomon’s mother? a) Bathsheba b) Leah c) Rebecca d) Sarah 3) Who was Solomon’s rival to the throne? a) Absalom b) Adonijah c) Amnon d) Jonathan

Martin Luther Quiz

1. When was Martin Luther born? a) 18 May 1456 b) 12 March 1476 c) 22 July 1480 d) 10 November 1483 2. When did Martin Luther join the Augustinians? a) 7 January 1466 b) 19 June 1486 c) 17 July 1505 d) 11 December 1501 3. Who came to sell indulgences in Juterborg, near Wittenberg, in 1517? a) John Hus b) John Tetzel c) John Wycliffe d) John Knox

St. Lawrence Quiz

1) Which was the approximate year of birth St. Lawrence? a) 225 b) 365 c) 435 d) 187 2) What was the clerical status of St. Lawrence? a) Archbishop b) Bishop c) Priest d) Deacon 3) Which Roman Emperor in 257 ordered the persecution of Christians? a) Caligula b) Nero c) Valerian d) Julian 4) Who of the following were beheaded on 6 August 258 by the decree of the Roman Emperor? a) Sts. Peter and Paul b) Sts. Agnes and Cecilia c) Pope St. Sixtus II and six deacons d) St. Sebastian and 40 soliders

St. Francis Of Assisi Quiz

1. What was the name given to St. Francis of Assisi at the time of baptism? a) Petrus b) Paolo c) Andre d) Giovanni 2. St. Francis of Assisi’s father changed the name to Francesco. What does Francesco mean? a) Strong b) Handsome c) Frenchman d) Italian 3. Which city held St. Francis of Assisi a prisoner of war for more than a year? a) Genoa b) Naples c) Verona d) Perugia

Gregory XVI Quiz

(Gregory XVI is referred by his baptismal name and the name he took for the times before he became pope.) Gregory XVI Quiz Questions 1) When was Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari born? a) 15 August 1769 b) 14 July 1789 c) 8 September 1765 d) 25 March 1762 2) Where was Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari born? a) Vienna b) Belluno c) Trieste d) Lepanto 3) What name did Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari take when he joined Camaldoese monastery? a) Benedict b) John c) Pius d) Mauro 4) What did Mauro uphold in his book Il trionfo della Santa Sede? a) Theory of Evolution ... Read more