Category: General Knowledge Quizzes

Zalman King Quiz

Zalman King Quiz Questions Publicity photo from the television show The Young Lawyers. Shown seated are Judy Pace and Lee J. Cobb. Standing in foreground is Zalman King. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) 1. What was Zalman King’ original name? a) John King b) Joshua Reynolds c) Hubert Humphrey d) Zalman Lefkovitz 2. When was Zalman King born? a) 15 March 1936 b) 23 May 1942 c) 4 July 1946 d) 7 November 1938 3. Where was Zalman King born? a) Trenton b) Albany c) Sacramento d) New Orleans Mickey Rourke at the 2009 Tribeca Film Festival for the premiere of City ... Read more

Equatorial Guinea Quiz

Equatorial Guinea Quiz Questions 1. When did Equatorial Guinea become independent? a) 3 February 1964 b) 17 June 1976 c) 17 August 1960 d) 12 October 1968 2. How was Equatorial Guinea formerly known? a) Spanish Sahara b) Spanish Guinea c) Bohemia d) Transylvania 3. Which is the capital of Equatorial Guinea? a) Kogo b) Luba c) Malabo d) Bata

Nobel Prize 2015 Quiz

Nobel Prize 2015 Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Medicine? a) William Campbell, Satoshi Omura, Youyou Tu b) Edgar Douglas Adrian, Charles Sherrington c) Henrik Dam d) Max Theiler 2) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Medicine given? a) Discoveries regarding function of neurons b) Development of Ivermectin and Artemisinin c) Yellow fever discoveries d) Discover of Vitamin K 3) Who won Nobel Prize 2015 for Physics? a) NASA b) Takaaki Kajita, Arthur McDonald c) John William Strutt d) Johannes Stark 4) For what was Nobel Prize 2015 for Physics given? a) ... Read more

Titanic Quiz

Titanic Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Where was the Titanic built? a) Belfast b) London c) Dover d) Southampton 2. Which firm built the Titanic? a) Jones and Burton b) Morgan and Son c) Harland and Wolff d) Drake Brothers 3. What was the Titanic’s gross registered tonnage? a) 54,221 tons b) 46,329 tons c) 50,248 tons d) 42,432 tons

Yellow Journalism Quiz

Yellow Journalism Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When was Joseph Pulitzer born? a) 14 January 1844 b) 10 April 1847 c) 23 August 1849 d) 30 December 1845 2. When was William Randolph Hearst born? a) 4 February 1874 b) 29 April 1863 c) 15 July 1859 d) 11 November 1855 3. When did Joseph Pulitzer buy New York World? a) 1872 b) 1875 c) 1867 d) 1883

Dollar Quiz

Dollar Quiz Questions with Answers 1. Whose portrait appears on $1 note? a) John Kennedy b) Franklin Roosevelt c) George Washington d) Andrew Johnson 2. Whose portrait appears on $2 note? a) Thomas Jefferson b) Peter Lawford c) John Adams d) Woodrow Wilson 3. Whose portrait appears on $5 note? a) William Cavendish b) Abraham Lincoln c) James Monroe d) Martin Van Buren

Nobel Prize 2019 Quiz

1. Who won Nobel Prize 2019 for Medicine? Stanley Prusiner William Kaelin, Peter Ratcliffe, Gregg Semenza Gertrue Elion Edmond Fischer, Edwin KrebsCorrect Answer: William Kaelin, Peter Ratcliffe, Gregg Semenza 2. For what was Nobel Prize 2019 for Medicine given? Discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability Discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells Discoveries of important principles for drug treatment Discovery of PrionsCorrect Answer: Discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability 3. Who won Nobel Prize 2019 for Physics? James Peebles, Michel Mayor, Didier Queloz Martin Perl Hugh David Politzer, David ... Read more

Jacques Chirac Quiz

11. When was Jacques Chirac President of France? 1995-2007 2012-2017 1981-1988 1974-1991Correct Answer: 1995-2007 12. When was Jacques Chirac born? 9 February 1936 8 April 1940 24 August 1934 29 November 1932Correct Answer: 29 November 1932 13. Where was Jacques Chirac born? Paris Nantes Amiens ToulouseCorrect Answer: Paris 14. When did Jacques Chirac marry Bernadette Chodron de Courcel? 16 March 1956 10 June 1958 28 July 1962 12 December 1964Correct Answer: 16 March 1956 15. Who appointed Jacques Chirac as head of his personal staff in 1962? Rene Coty Georges Pompidou Charles de Gaulle Valery Giscard D’EstaingCorrect Answer: Georges Pompidou ... Read more

William Smellie Quiz

William Smellie Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Where was William Smellie born? a) Gloucester b) Edinburgh c) Birmingham d) Falkirk 2. Who asked William Smellie to prepare Encyclopaedia Britannica for the press? a) George Gleig b) James Millar c) Horace Hooper d) Andrew Bell 3. When was William Smellie a founder of Newtonian Society? a) 1748 b) 1760 c) 1752 d) 1756

Nobel Prize 2017 Quiz

1) Who won Nobel Prize 2017 for Medicine? a) Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash, Michael Young b) Nikolaas Tinbergen, Konrad Lorenz, Karl von Frisch c) Niels Ryberg Finsen d) Barbara McClintock 2) For what was Nobel Prize 2017 for Medicine given? a) Discovery of genetic transposition b) Contribution to treatment of lupus vulgaris c) Observation of animal behaviour patterns d) Discovery of the molecular mechanisms that control circadian rhythms 3) Who won Nobel Prize 2017 for Physics? a) Pavel Cherenkov, Ilya Frank, Igor Tamm b) Alfred Kastler c) Rainer Weiss, Barry Barish, Kip Stephen Thorne d) Donald Arthur Glaser