Category: General Knowledge Quizzes

Robert Mugabe Quiz

1. When was Robert Mugabe President of Zimbabwe? A. 1964-1974 B. 1987-2017 C. 1972-1976 D. 1966-1968 2. When was Robert Mugabe born? A. 21 February 1924 B. 5 April 1920 C. 22 August 1922 D. 28 December 1925 3. Where was Robert Mugabe born? A. Lusaka B. Windhoek C. Kutama D. Durban

Francis Bacon Quiz

Francis Bacon Quiz Questions with Answers (This quiz is about Francis Bacon the author.) 1. When was Francis Bacon born? a) 22 January 1561 b) 4 May 1549 c) 16 July 1548 d) 11 November 1564 2. Where was Francis Bacon born? a) Liverpool b) London c) Cambridge d) Paris 3. Where did Francis Bacon study law? a) Inner Temple b) Middle Temple c) Lincoln’s Inn d) Gray’s Inn

Saturn Quiz

1) What is the specific gravity of Saturn? a) 1 b) 0.7 c) 1.7 d) 7 2) Which is the outermost ring of Saturn? a) A ring b) D ring c) F ring d) E ring 3) Who is Saturn in mythology? a) God of Industry b) Goddess of Earth c) God of Agriculture d) Goddess of Hunting

Sveriges Riksbank Prize Quiz

Sveriges Riksbank Prize Quiz Questions with Answers (This quiz is about Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.) 1. When was Sveriges Riksbank Prize first given? a) 1912 b) 1969 c) 1948 d) 1976 2. Who won Sveriges Riksbank Prize in 1970? a) Paul Samuelson b) Ragnar Frisch c) Jan Tinbergen d) Simon Kuznets 3. When did Leonid Kantorovich win Sveriges Riksbank Prize? a) 1972 b) 1967 c) 1975 d) 1985

Pancho Barnes Quiz

Pancho Barnes Quiz Questions with Answers 1. What was Pancho Barnes’s original name? a) Josephine Shaw b) Florence Lowe c) Shirley MacLean Beaty d) Vivian Mary Hartley 2. When was Pancho Barnes born? a) 22 March 1902 b) 5 May 1908 c) 14 July 1901 d) 11 November 1903 3. Where was Pancho Barnes born? a) Pasadena b) Springfield c) Atlanta d) Sacramento

South Sudan Quiz

1. When did South Sudan become independent? a) 1 January 2001 b) 7 April 2004 c) 9 July 2011 d) 22 October 2008 2. What is the national motto of South Sudan? a) Justice, liberty, prosperity b) God, union, liberty c) Peace and justice d) We stand with God 3. Which country is to the east of South Sudan? a) Zambia b) Ethiopia c) Algeria d) Lesotho

The Washington Post Quiz

The Washington Post Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When was The Washington Post founded? a) 1 January 1901 b) 4 April 1904 c) 7 August 1898 d) 6 December 1877 2. Who founded The Washington Post? a) Charles Henry Dow b) Stilson Hutchins c) Edward Jones d) Clarence Barron 3. Who bought The Washington Post in 1905? a) Warren Harding b) Philip Graham c) John McLean d) Joseph Pulitzer

Islam Quiz – II

1. What is Haj? a) Friday sermon b) Pilgrimage to Mecca c) Night prayer d) Sufi shrine 2. Who gives the call for prayer in Islam? a) Khatib b) Ayatollah c) Muezzin d) Talib 3. Which of the following is not one of the five Pillars of Islam? a) Zakat b) Shahadah c) Nikah d) Salat

Michael Faraday Quiz

1. When was Michael Faraday born? a) 5 July 1794 b) 4 March 1792 c) 22 September 1791 d) 10 December 1788 2. Where was Michael Faraday born? a) Lexington b) Newington c) Bristol d) Coventry 3. Who offered Michael Faraday the job of laboratory assistant? a) Humphry Davy b) John Dalton c) Sarah Barnard d) William Whewell

Anne Frank Quiz

1. When was Anne Frank born? a) 1 January 1914 b) 12 June 1929 c) 25 September 1925 d) 16 December 1926 2. Where was Anne Frank born? a) Amsterdam b) Frankfurt am Main c) Zurich d) Rome 3. When did Anne Frank move to a Jewish School? a) 1941 b) 1939 c) 1929 d) 1936