Category: General Knowledge Quizzes

Distance Quiz

1. How many miles is a league? 4 2 3 5Correct Answer: 3 2. How many furlongs is a mile? 6 8 7 9Correct Answer: 8 3. How many yards is a furlong? 220 110 160 120Correct Answer: 220 4. How many feet is a yard? 7 4 5 3Correct Answer: 3 5. How many inches is a foot? 12 10 14 16Correct Answer: 12 6. How many yards is a fathom? 5 2 4 3Correct Answer: 2 7. How many chains is a furlong? 11 10 12 15Correct Answer: 10 8. How many yards is a chain? 18 20 ... Read more

General Knowledge Quiz – 3

1) In the Bible who interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh? a) Joseph b) Daniel c) David d) Samuel 2) The flag of which country has the Star of David? a) USA b) Iraq c) Israel d) Nepal 3) In which year was Magna Carta signed? a) 1603 b) 1066 c) 1707 d) 1215 4) When was Carthage destroyed? a) 149 B.C. b) 323 B.C. c) 44 A.D. d) 70 A.D. 5) Which country is ruled by a single dynasty for more than two thousand years? a) England b) Persia c) Japan d) Egypt

February 29 Quiz

1) Which of the following is not a leap year? a) 1896 b) 1900 c) 1904 d) 1908 2) Which Indian Prime Minister was born on 29 February? a) Jawaharlal Nehru b) Lal Bahadur Shastri c) Morarji Desai d) Inder Kumar Gujral 3) Who took one day from February and added it to July? a) Julius Caesar b) Pompey c) Sulla d) Cato

Niccolo Machiavelli Quiz

Niccolo Machiavelli Quiz Questions 1. When was Niccolo Machiavelli born? a) 2 February 1444 b) 3 May 1469 c) 23 August 1449 d) 23 November 1455 2. Where was Niccolo Machiavelli born? a) Florence b) Naples c) Pisa d) Lucca 3. When was Niccolo Machiavelli head of second chancery? a) 1498-1512 b) 1492-1498 c) 1514-1516 d) 1518-1526

Richard Brinsley Sheridan Quiz

Richard Brinsley Sheridan Quiz Questions with Answers 1. When was Richard Brinsley Sheridan baptized? a) 21 February 1744 b) 15 May 1752 c) 23 August 1749 d) 4 November 1751 2. Where was Richard Brinsley Sheridan born? a) Belfast b) Dublin c) Kilkenny d) Waterford 3. With whom did Richard Brinsley Sheridan fight two duels? a) Warren Hastings b) Jonathan Swift c) Thomas Mathews d) Oliver Goldsmith

Frederik Willem de Klerk Quiz

1. When did Frederik Willem de Klerk win Nobel Prize for Peace? a) 1984 b) 1993 c) 1999 d) 2014 2. When was Frederik Willem de Klerk born? a) 18 March 1936 b) 24 June 1934 c) 14 September 1932 d) 12 December 1928 3. Where was Frederik Willem de Klerk born? a) Orania b) Upington c) Johannesburg d) Durban

John Ray Quiz

John Ray Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When was John Ray born? a) 5 March 1634 b) 4 April 1630 c) 31 August 1628 d) 29 November 1627 2. Where was John Ray born? a) Cardiff b) Black Notley c) Ipswich d) Amsterdam 3. Where did John Ray matriculate? a) Rugby School b) St. Catherine’s Hall c) St. Paul’s School d) Winchester College

Antarctica Quiz

Physical Location map Antarctica, Azimuthal equidistant projection Longitude of central meridian: 0° Latitude of projection origin: -90° Tangent latitude at the map boundaries: -60°; geographic limits of the map: -135°,-47.57359° to 45°,-47.57359° (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Antarctica Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. Who named the continent Antarctica? a) John George Bartholomew b) James Cook c) Mikhail Lazarev d) Nathaniel Palmer 2. Antarctica has two meanings. One is ‘Opposite to the Arctic’. Which is the second meaning? a) Opposite to the east b) Opposite to the north c) Opposite to the south d) Opposite to the west 3. When did ... Read more


1. When was NATO founded? a) 17 January 1954 b) 4 April 1949 c) 3 July 1948 d) 24 November 1946 2. Where was NATO founded? a) London b) Amsterdam c) Oslo d) Washington 3. Which of the following countries is a founding member of NATO? a) Greece b) Spain c) Luxembourg d) Turkey

Lee Kuan Yew Quiz

Lee Kuan Yew (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Lee Kuan Yew Quiz Questions 1. What was Lee Kuan Yew’s original name? a) Lee Yuan Tseh b) Harry Lee Kuan Yew c) David Lee d) Robert Edward Lee 2. When was Lee Kuan Yew Prime Minister of independent Singapore? a) 1965-1990 b) 1959-1963 c) 1990-2004 d) 2004-2011 3. When was Lee Kuan Yew born? a) 9 February 1934 b) 6 April 1929 c) 16 September 1923 d) 11 November 1918 4. Where was Lee Kuan Yew born? a) Peking b) Nanking c) Canton d) Singapore 5. Which national anthem Lee Kuan Yew had ... Read more