Tag: us

Kansas Quiz

Kansas Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Kansas become a state of USA? a) 29 January 1861 b) 7 April 1798 c) 3 July 1802 d) 28 November 1845 2. When was the Sack of Lawrence? a) 29 February 1848 b) 21 May 1856 c) 12 September 1864 d) 14 December 1905 3. Who led Pottawatomie Massacre? a) Gerrit Smith b) William Garrison c) Theodore Parker d) John Brown

Indiana Quiz

1. When did Indiana become a state of USA? a) 18 February 1779 b) 14 June 1842 c) 21 July 1797 d) 11 December 1816 2. When was the Battle of Fallen Timbers? a) 9 March 1776 b) 2 May 1802 c) 20 August 1794 d) 19 November 1823 3. Who won the Battle of Tippecanoe? a) Tecumseh b) William Henry Harrison c) Laulewasikau d) Anthony Wayne

Minnesota Quiz

Minnesota Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Minnesota become a state of USA? a) 7 February 1787 b) 11 May 1858 c) 2 July 1842 d) 5 December 1872 2. Which county is to the north of Minnesota? a) Peru b) Colombia c) Canada d) Venezuela 3. Which state is to the east of Minnesota? a) North Dakota b) South Dakota c) Oregon d) Wisconsin

Virginia Quiz

Virginia Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When was Jamestown founded? a) 1 March 1498 b) 14 May 1607 c) 12 July 1596 d) 12 October 1548 2. Who married Pocahontas in 1614? a) John Rolfe b) Thomas Dale c) John Smith d) Samuel Argall 3. Who was Virginia’s governor in 1642-1652? a) Maurice Berkeley b) Nathaniel Bacon c) William Berkeley d) John Berkeley

US Open 2011 Quiz

1. Who won men’s doubles championship in US Open 2011? a) Simone Bolelli, Fabio Forgnini b) Colin Fleming, Ross Hutchins c) Jurgen Melzer, Philipp Petzschner d) Leander Paes, Mahesh Bhupati 2. Who were runners up in men’s doubles championship in US Open 2011? a) Mariusz Fyrstenberg, Marcin Matkowski b) Robert Lindstet, Horea Tecau c) David Marrero, Andreas Seppi d) Rohan Bopanna, Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi 3. Who won women’s doubles championship in US Open 2011? a) Maria Kirilenko, Nadia Petrova b) Liezel Huber, Lisa Raymond c) Daniela Hantuchova, Agnieszka Radwanska d) Kveta Peschke, Katarina Srebotnik

Alabama Quiz

Alabama Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Which state is to the north of Alabama? a) Tennessee b) California c) Oregon d) Washington 2. Which state is to the east of Alabama? a) New Mexico b) Georgia c) Texas d) Illinois 3. Which state is to the west of Alabama? a) New Jersey b) Connecticut c) Mississippi d) Delaware

Arkansas Quiz

Arkansas Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Which state is to the north of Arkansas? a) Missouri b) Texas c) Rhode Island d) Maine 2. Which state is to the south of Arkansas? a) Vermont b) Louisiana c) New Jersey d) Wyoming 3. Who founded Arkansas Post? a) Joseph Francois Dupleix b) Charles Joseph Patissier c) Henri de Tonty d) Rene Robert Cavalier

Georgia Quiz

Georgia Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When was Georgia founded? a) 1732 b) 1620 c) 1661 d) 1707 2. Who got the charter for founding Georgia? a) Hernando de Soto b) Rufus Bullock c) James Edward Oglethorpe d) Thomas Watson 3. After whom was Georgia named? a) George I b) George II c) George III d) George IV

US Open 2010 Quiz

1. Who won men’s doubles championship in US Open 2010? a) Andy Murray, Ross Hutchins b) Luis Horna, Pablo Cuevas c) Michael Bryan, Robert Bryan d) Leander Paes, Lukas Dlouhy 2. Who were runners up in men’s doubles championship in US Open 2010? a) Dusan Vemic, Bruno Soares b) Alexander Peva, Michael Kohlmann c) Juan Monaco, Maximo Gonzales d) Rohan Bopanna, Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi 3. Who won mixed doubles championship in US Open 2010? a) Stephen Huss, Virginia Ruano Pascual b) Robert Bryan, Liezel Huber c) James Murray, Samantha Stosur d) Leander Paes, Cara Black