Tag: us

Illinois Quiz

Illinois Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Illinois become a state of USA? a) 7 January 1781 b) 5 April 1802 c) 22 July 1848 d) 3 December 1818 2. When did Louis Jolliet visit Illinois? a) 1492 b) 1507 c) 1673 d) 1776 3. Who captured Kaskaskia in 1778? a) James Wilkinson b) George Rogers Clark c) Pierre Menard d) Horatio Gates

Washington Quiz

11. Which ocean is to the west of Washington? Atlantic Pacific Indian AntarcticCorrect Answer: Pacific 12. Which country is to the north of Washington? Canada Bolivia Guatemala SurinameCorrect Answer: Canada 13. Which state is to the east of Washington? California Nevada Idaho ArkansasCorrect Answer: Idaho 14. Which state is to the south of Washington? New Jersey Maine Pennsylvania OregonCorrect Answer: Oregon 15. Which is the capital of Washington? Seattle Olympia Tacoma SpokaneCorrect Answer: Olympia 16. Which is the highest point in Washington? Mount Rainier Mount Hood Lassen Peak Mount St. HelensCorrect Answer: Mount Rainier 17. When was Washington under UN ... Read more

Massachusetts Quiz

Massachusetts Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did the Mayflower reach Cape Cod? a) 2 February 1624 b) 21 November 1620 c) 8 September 1634 d) 27 April 1607 2. How many male passengers signed the Mayflower Compact? a) 41 b) 72 c) 28 d) 12 3. Who was Massachusetts Bay Colony’s first governor? a) Samuel de Champlain b) Roger Williams c) John Winthrop d) Thomas Hooker

Delaware Quiz

Delaware Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Delaware ratify the constitution of USA? a) 6 March 1789 b) 2 June 1804 c) 4 July 1776 d) 7 December 1787 2. Which is the capital of Delaware? a) Laurel b) Dover c) Georgetown d) Selbyville 3. What is the motto of Delaware? a) Liberty and independence b) E pluribus unum c) Peace with honour d) Forward

Kentucky Quiz

41. When did Kentucky become a state of USA? 1 February 1804 7 August 1776 1 June 1792 5 October 1812Correct Answer: 1 June 1792 42. Which company wanted to establish Kentucky as 14th colony? East India Company Virginia Company Dutch West India Company Transylvania CompanyCorrect Answer: Transylvania Company 43. Which is the capital of Kentucky? Frankfort Covington Newport AshlandCorrect Answer: Frankfort 44. Which is the state flower of Kentucky? Edelweiss Goldenrod Tulip SunflowerCorrect Answer: Goldenrod 45. What is the motto of Kentucky? Money never sleeps. God is great. Greed is good. United we stand, divided we fall.Correct Answer: United ... Read more

Michigan Quiz

Michigan Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Michigan become a state of USA? a) 26 January 1867 b) 14 April 1778 c) 8 September 1781 d) 4 December 1843 2. When was Sault Saint Marie founded? a) 1507 b) 1668 c) 1562 d) 1624 3. Who founded Detroit? a) Etienne Brule b) Samuel de Champlan c) Jacques Marquette d) Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac

Connecticut Quiz

Connecticut Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Which state is to the north of Connecticut? a) Florida b) Massachusetts c) Oregon d) Maryland 2. Which state is to the east of Connecticut? a) Rhode Island b) California c) Washington d) Nevada 3. Which state is to the west of Connecticut? a) Texas b) Louisiana c) New York d) Arkansas

New Jersey Quiz

New Jersey Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Who was the first European to reach New Jersey? a) Alexander Hamilton b) George Carteret c) Giovanni da Verrazzano d) William Penn 2. Who sold his rights to half of New Jersey to the Quakers in 1674? a) Christopher Newport b) John Smith c) George Kendall d) John Berkeley 3. What is the motto of New Jersey? a) Valour and wisdom b) Liberty and prosperity c) Peace and justice d) We stand with God

Idaho Quiz

Idaho Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Idaho become a state of USA? a) 5 March 1796 b) 22 May 1865 c) 3 July 1890 d) 26 December 1905 2. What separates Idaho from Canada? a) 42nd parallel b) 49th parallel c) Snake River d) Continental Divide 3. Which is the capital of Idaho? a) Potacello b) Nampa c) Lewiston d) Boise

Iowa Quiz

Iowa Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Iowa become a state of USA? a) 7 February 1796 b) 23 May 1784 c) 4 August 1832 d) 28 December 1846 2. When was the Territory of Iowa established? a) 1803 b) 1838 c) 1823 d) 1794 3. When was the Spirit Lake Massacre? a) 4-11 November 1866 b) 3-7 September 1872 c) 5-8 April 1853 d) 8-12 March 1857