Tag: Quizzes on Countries

Armenia Quiz

1) Which area is disputed between Armenia and Azerbaijan? a) South Ossetia b) Golan Heights c) Gaza 4) Nagorno-Karabakh 2) When was the worst massacre of Armenians by Turks? a) 1894 b) 1896 c) 1915 d) 1922 3) When did Russians annex Armenia? a) 1918 b) 1920 c) 1939 d) 1945

Mongolia Quiz

1) Which country is to the north of Mongolia? a) North Korea b) South Korea c) Russia d) China 2) Which desert is largely in Mongolia? a) Kalahari b) Thar c) Gobi d) Sahara 3) Which is the currency of Mongolia? a) Baht b) Yen c) Remninbi d) Tugrik

Sao Tome and Principe Quiz

Sao Tome and Principe Quiz Questions and Answers 1) When did Sao Tome and Principe become independent? a) 14 January 1978 b) 26 May 1966 c) 12 July 1975 d) 11 November 1961 2) Who was Sao Tome and Principe’s president in 1993? a) Manuel Pinto da Costa b) Fradique de Menezes c) Miguel Trovoada d) Raul Braganca Neto 3) Who was Sao Tome and Principe’s prime minister in 2000? a) Damiao Vaz d’Almeida b) Guilherme Posser da Costa c) Maria do Carmo Silveira d) Tome Vera Cruz

Belize Quiz

1) Who is the Head of State of Belize? a) President b) Governor General c) Monarch of UK d) Prime Minister 2) How was Belize known? a) British Guiana b) British Honduras c) Dutch Guiana d) Atlantis 3) When did Belize become independent? a) 1964 b) 1968 c) 1973 d) 1981

Brunei Quiz

1) When did Brunei become independent? a) 1 January 1984 b) 26 May 1976 c) 11 September1972 d) 26 November 1981 2) Who is the head of state of Brunei? a) Caliph b) Emir c) Nawab d) Sultan 3) Which country is to the east, west and south of Brunei? a) Vietnam b) Laos c) Malaysia d) Cambodia

Nepal Quiz

1) Which of the following rivers flows from Nepal to Bihar? a) Indus b) Baghmati c) Ganges d) Brahmaputra 2) Who was Nepal’s king in 1911-1955? a) Tribhuvan b) Birendra c) Mahendra d) Devendra 3) Which is the highest mountain in Nepal? a) Dhavalagiri I b) Everest c) Kanchenjunga I d) Kudremukha 4) Which country is to the south of Nepal? a) India b) Bangladesh c) Pakistan d) Afghanistan

Vatican Quiz

1) Which is the smallest country? a) Luxembourg b) Monaco c) Maldives d) Vatican 2) What is unique about Vatican? a) No navy b) No air force c) No skyscraper d) Zero birth rate 3) Who is the Head of State of Vatican? a) President b) King c) Pope d) Emperor

Slovakia Quiz

1. When did Slovakia become independent? a) 1 January 1993 b) 24 May 1983 c) 12 September 1949 d) 14 November 1951 2. When did Slovakia join EU and NATO? a) 1961 b) 1954 c) 2004 d) 1945 3. With which country was Slovakia in federation in 1918-1992? a) Belarus b) Czech Republic c) Macedonia d) Ukraine

Colombia Quiz

1) Which country separated from Colombia in 1903? a) Ecuador b) Guatemala c) Panama d) Peru 2) How was Colombia known in 1861? a) United States of New Granada b) United States of Colombia c) Dominion of Colombia d) New Spain 3) Who was the Presidential election in 2002? a) Ernesto Samper b) Andres Pastrana Arango c) Cesar Gaviria Trujillo d) Alvaro Uribe Velez

Somalia Quiz

1) What is in the centre of Somalia’s flag? a) Comet b) Moon c) Sun d) Star 2) Which countries ruled Somalia before its independence? a) France and Germany b) Belgium and France c) Spain and Portugal d) Italy and UK 3) Which is the official language of Somalia? a) English b) Arabic c) Somali d) Italian