Tag: Quizzes on Countries

South Africa Quiz

1) Who is the first European explorer to reach the southernmost tip of Africa? a) Bartholomeu Dias b) Vasco da Gama c) Abel Tasman d) Francis Drake 2) When did the British annex the Cape Colony? a) 1765 b) 1806 c) 1815 d) 1848 3) What did the British use against the Boers in the Second Boer War? a) Concentration camps b) Chlorine c) Tanks d) Missiles

Wallis And Futuna Quiz

Wallis And Futuna Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Which is the capital of Wallis and Futuna? a) Kolia b) Matautu c) Ono d) Taoa 2. When did Jakob Le Maire and Willem Schouten sight Futuna? a) 1502 b) 1542 c) 1616 d) 1650 3. When did Samuel Wallis visit Uvea? a) 1788 b) 1824 c) 1622 d) 1757

Turks and Caicos Islands Quiz

Turks and Caicos Islands Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Juan Ponce de Leon visit Turks and Caicos Islands? a) 1512 b) 1492 c) 1556 d) 1601 2. When did Bahamas annex Turks and Caicos Islands? a) 1776 b) 1799 c) 1624 d) 1628 3. Which colony’s governor general had jurisdiction over Turks and Caicos Islands in 1874-1959? a) Canada b) British Honduras c) British Guiana d) Jamaica

Portugal Quiz

1) Which territories under Portuguese rule were liberated by India on 19 December 1961? a) Goa, Diu and Daman b) Dadra and Nagar Haveli c) East Timor d) Macao 2) Who came to India from Portugal in 1498? a) Ferdinand Magellan b) Abel Tasman c) Vasco da Gama d) Thomas Roe 3) Who scored nine goals in Football World Cup 1966? a) Eusebio b) Hector Silva c) Jose Augusto d) Lev Yashin

Afghanistan Quiz

1) Which line separates Afghanistan from Pakistan? a) Durand line b) McMohan line c) Maginot line 4) Blue line 2) How is the event that led to the invasion of Afghanistan by USA and its allies is known? a) 9/11 b) 7/11 c) 26/7 d) 7/7 3) Who was deposed in 1973? a) Nadir Shah b) Ahmed Shah Abdali c) Mohammed Zahir Shah d) Amanullah

Malaysia Quiz

1) When was Malaysia formed? a) 1963 b) 1968 c) 1976 d) 1984 2) Which country seceded from Malaysia in 1965? a) Brunei b) Singapore c) Taiwan d) Tibet 3) Who is the first Prime Minister of Malaysia? a) Mahathir Mohammed b) Tunku Abdul Rahman c) Abdullah Ahmad Badawi d) Mizan Zainal Abidin

Turkey Quiz

1) Which sea is to the north of Turkey? a) North Sea b) Black Sea c) Caspian Sea d) Dead Sea 2) When did the Turks conquer Constantinople? a) 1260 b) 1425 c) 1453 d) 1526 3) How was Turkey known in the beginning of the 20th century? a) Guardian of Europe b) Leader of Europe c) Sick man of Europe d) Playground of Europe

Fiji Quiz

1. When did Fiji become a British crown colony? a) 11 March 1548 b) 14 May 1798 c) 12 September 1836 d) 10 October 1874 2. Who was the first governor of Fiji? a) Arthur Gordon b) Christian Fletcher c) James Cook d) William Bligh 3. When did Fiji become independent? a) 7 January 1966 b) 10 October 1970 c) 18 August 1969 d) 24 November 1971

Mayotte Quiz

1. When did France annex Mayotte? a) 25 March 1841 b) 17 May 1804 c) 11 July 1792 d) 16 November 1775 2. When was Mayotte ceded to France? a) 1845 b) 1848 c) 1856 d) 1843 3. In which channel Mayotte is situated? a) Beagle Channel b) Mozambique Channel c) Yucatan Channel d) St. George’s Channel

Seychelles Quiz

Seychelles Quiz Questions 1. When did Seychelles become independent? a) 7 February 1964 b) 29 June 1976 c) 12 August 1981 d) 14 November 1978 2. Which is the capital of Seychelles? a) Picard b) Malabar c) Polymnie d) Victoria 3. Which is the currency of Seychelles? a) Ariary b) Rupee c) Quetzal d) Mark