Category: Religion
Zoroastrianism Quiz

1) What is the original form of the name Zoroaster? a) Koresh b) Darius c) Reza d) Zarathushtra 2) How long did Zoroaster live? a) 33 years b) 50 years c) 77 years d) 100 years 3) Where did Zoroastrianism originate? a) Syria b) Lebanon c) Iran d) Arabia
Mormons Quiz

1. Who founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? a) Asael Smith b) Joseph Smith c) Alfred Cummings d) James Buchanan 2. When was the Book of Mormon published? a) 1834 b) 1832 c) 1830 d) 1826 3. Which city did Joseph Smith found? a) Nauvoo b) Detroit c) Kirthland d) Carthage
Islam Quiz

1) Who is the first prophet in Islam? a) Adam b) Abraham c) Isaac d) Jacob 2) Who is the last prophet in Islam? a) Moses b) Samuel c) David d) Mohammed 3) What is the number of prophets in Islam? a) 1,600 b) 4,000 c) 6,000 d) 1,24,000
St. Henry Quiz
1) When was St. Henry born? a) 5 June 678 b) 12 December 542 c) 6 May 972 d) 7 July 1260 2) Under whom did St. Henry receive education? a) St. Wolfgang b) St. Jerome c) St. Clement d) St. Ambrose 3) When did St. Henry become Duke of Bavaria? a) 995 b) 700 c) 565 d) 732
St. John Mary Vianney Quiz
1) When was St. John Mary Vianney born? a) 15 June 1790 b) 2 August 1782 c) 5 October 1784 d) 8 May 1786 2) Where was St. John Mary Vianney born? a) Dardilly b) Versailles c) Bordeaux d) Cannes 3) Where was St. John Mary Vianney for fourteen months with army deserters? a) Brussels b) Vienna c) Noes d) Monte Cristo
St. Louis IX Quiz
(Some sources give 1215 as the year of birth of St. Louis IX) 1) When was St. Louis IX born? a) 7 January 1200 b) 3 March 1248 c) 25 April 1214 d) 16 October 1236 2) Where was St. Louis IX born? a) Ulm b) Poissy c) Orleans d) Paris 3) How old was St. Louis IX when he became king? a) Five years b) Eight years c) Twelve years d) Sixteen years
St. Catherine of Siena Quiz
1) Where was St. Catherine of Siena born? a) Naples b) Brindisi c) Siena d) Zurich 2) What did St. Catherine of Siena become? a) Dominican Tertiary b) Franciscan Tertiary c) Capuchin Tertiary d) Norbertine Tertiary 3) Who of the following was St. Catherine of Siena’s confessor? a) Padre Pio b) Raymnd de Capua c) St. John Vianney d) St. Albert the Great
Islam Quiz – II
1. What is Haj? a) Friday sermon b) Pilgrimage to Mecca c) Night prayer d) Sufi shrine 2. Who gives the call for prayer in Islam? a) Khatib b) Ayatollah c) Muezzin d) Talib 3. Which of the following is not one of the five Pillars of Islam? a) Zakat b) Shahadah c) Nikah d) Salat
Benedict XVI Quiz
Who created Joseph Ratzinger Cardinal? a) John XXIII b) John Paul I c) Paul VI d) John Paul II When was Benedict XVI elected Pope? a) 1 January 2001 b) 19 April 2005 c) 16 September 2002 d) 31 October 1999 Which Motu Proprio did Benedict XVI issue on 7 July 2007? a) Africae Munus b) Spe Salvi c) Summorum Pontificum d) Deus Caritas Est By which Apostolic Constitution did Benedict XVI establish Personal Ordinariates? a) Universae Ecclesiae b) Dignitas Personae c) Caritas in Veritate d) Anglicanorum Coetibus
Theodor Herzl Quiz
1. When was Theodor Herzl born? a) 2 February 1865 b) 2 May 1860 c) 2 September 1861 d) 15 December 1862 2. Where was Theodor Herzl born? a) Budapest b) Jerusalem c) Hebron d) Tel Aviv 3. Which university did Theodor Herzl attend? a) Warsaw b) Moscow c) Vienna d) Oxford