Category: Religion

Jehovah’s Witnesses Quiz

1. Who founded International Bible Students Association? a) Charles Taze Russell b) William Miller c) William Booth d) John Wesley 2. When did Charles Taze Russell found Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania? a) 1844 b) 1872 c) 1884 d) 1896 3. According to Charles Taze Russell’s prediction when was the end of the world and beginning of millennial kingdom? a) 2000 b) 1900 c) 1896 d) 1914

List of Surahs

1. Al-Fatihah (the Opening) 2. Al-Baqarah (the Cow) 3. Aali Imran (the Family of Imran) 4. An-Nisa’ (the Women) 5. Al-Ma’idah (the Table) 6. Al-An’am (the Cattle) 7. Al-A’raf (the Heights) 8. Al-Anfal (the Spoils of War) 9. At-Taubah (the Repentance) 10. Yunus (Yunus)

St. Isabella Quiz

(This quiz is about St. Isabella of France and St. Isabella of Portugal. Both are known as St. Isabel. St. Isabella of Portugal is also known as St. Elizabeth.) 1) Who of the following was brother of St. Isabella of France? a) St. Edward b) St. Louis IX c) St. Jerome d) St. Clement 2) Who by a Bull of 26 May, 1254, allowed St. Isabella of France retain some Franciscan fathers as her special confessors? a) Paul III b) Innocent IV c) Julius II d) Martin V 3) Which convent did St. Isabella of France found? a) Holy Family ... Read more

St. Rufina Quiz

1) Who of the following were put to death together with St. Rufina, 4th century martyr of Sirmium? a) Reginald Pole and John Fisher b) Isaac Jogues and companions c) St. Miguel Pro and companions d) Moderata, Secundus, Romana 2) When is the feast day of St. Rufina, 4th century martyr of Sirmium? a) 9 September b) 6 April c) 3 December d) 14 June 3) Sirmium was part of which Roman province? a) Gaul b) Pannonia c) Egypt d) Greece

Bahai Quiz

1. Who assumed the name Bab? a) Sayyad Kasim Rashti b) Mirza Ali Mohammed c) Mulla Hussain d) Mirza Ghalib 2. What is the meaning of Bab? a) Gateway b) Ocean c) Mountain d) Desert 3. When was Bab executed? a) 5 March 1845 b) 24 April 1848 c) 9 July 1850 d) 4 October 1865

Buddha Quiz

1. Where was Buddha born? a) Pataliputra b) Agra c) Lumbini Garden d) Kanpur 2. What was Buddha’s original name? a) Shuddhodana b) Siddhartha c) Vardhamana d) Chanakya 3. When did Buddha live? a) 560-480 BC b) 1800-1680 BC c) 160-220 AD d) 970-1030 AD

Quakers Quiz

1. Who founded the Society of Friends? a) George Fox b) John Woolman c) Ezra Cornell d) Herbert Hoover 2. Which is the distinctive theme of Quakers? a) Nauvoo b) Detroit c) Kirthland d) Inward Light 3. When was Quaker Act passed? a) 1652 b) 1646 c) 1662 d) 1636

St. Albert Quiz

1) Where was St. Albert born? a) Berlin b) Bonn c) Frankfurt d) Lauingen 2) Which order did St. Albert join? a) Order of Preachers b) Order of Friars Minor c) Order of St. Benedict d) Order of Discalced Carmelites 3) Which university did St. Albert attend? a) University of Lisbon b) University of Berlin c) University of Vienna d) University of Padua

Zoroastrianism Quiz

1) What is the original form of the name Zoroaster? a) Koresh b) Darius c) Reza d) Zarathushtra 2) How long did Zoroaster live? a) 33 years b) 50 years c) 77 years d) 100 years 3) Where did Zoroastrianism originate? a) Syria b) Lebanon c) Iran d) Arabia

Mormons Quiz

1. Who founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints? a) Asael Smith b) Joseph Smith c) Alfred Cummings d) James Buchanan 2. When was the Book of Mormon published? a) 1834 b) 1832 c) 1830 d) 1826 3. Which city did Joseph Smith found? a) Nauvoo b) Detroit c) Kirthland d) Carthage