Category: History

Robert Lee Quiz

1. Where did Robert Lee surrender on 9 April 1865? a) White House b) Pentagon c) Appomattox Court House d) Spotsylvania Court House 2. When was Robert Lee born? a) 19 January 1807 b) 11 June 1808 c) 22 July 1805 d) 18 October 1904 3. Where was Robert Lee born? a) Richmond b) Stratford c) Petersburg d) Atlanta

Francis Joseph Quiz

1. When was Francis Joseph emperor of Austria? a) 1848-1916 b) 1918-1922 c) 1830-1840 d) 1821-1830 2. When was Francis Joseph king of Hungary? a) 1848-1866 b) 1821-1840 c) 1867-1916 d) 1922-1940 3. When was Francis Joseph born? a) 2 March 1800 b) 17 May 1810 c) 18 August 1830 d) 14 November 1840

Leonid Brezhnev Quiz

1) When was Leonid Brezhnev born? a) 14 March 1896 b) 18 May 1894 c) 28 August 1902 d) 19 December 1906 2) Where was Leonid Brezhnev born? a) Yekatinburgh b) Kamenskoye c) Vladivostok d) Dushanbe 3) Which campaign did Leonid Brezhnev implement in Kazhakstan in 1954? a) Campaign against hunger and disease b) Virgin and Idle Lands Campaign c) Cleanliness campaign d) Fisheries campaign

Oliver Cromwell Quiz

1. When was Oliver Cromwell lord protector of England, Scotland and Ireland? a) 1603-1625 b) 1625-1649 c) 1653-1658 d) 1661-1685 2. When was Oliver Cromwell born? a) 9 January 1601 b) 25 April 1599 c) 10 July 1598 d) 1 October 1602 3. Where was Oliver Cromwell born? a) Huntingdon b) York c) Jersey d) Cheshire

Isabella I Quiz

(This quiz is about Isabella I of Spain) 1. When was Isabella I born? a) 9 July 1444 b) 3 March 1436 c) 22 April 1451 d) 2 November 1448 2. Where was Isabella I born? a) Bilbao b) Tarragona c) Ladin d) Madrigal de las Atlas Torres 3. Where did Isabella I marry Ferdinand? a) Soria b) Zamora c) Valladolid d) Salamanca

Victoria Quiz

1) Which kingdom was not inherited by Victoria because she was a woman? a) England b) Ireland c) Hanover d) Scotland 2) When was the reign of Victoria? a) 1760-1820 b) 1558-1603 c) 1837-1901 d) 1910-1936 3) When was Victoria crowned? a) 28 June 1838 b) 24 May 1819 c) 28 May 1937 d) 1 June 1558

Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec Quiz

1) What did Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec invent? a) Microscope b) Stethoscope c) Telescope d) Nightscope 2) When was Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec born? a) 17 February 1781 b) 22 April 1775 c) 4 July 1776 d) 9 December 1800 3) Where was Rene Theophile Hyacinthe Laennec born? a) Paris b) Quimper c) Nice d) Austerliz

Christopher Wren Quiz

1. When was Christopher Wren’s design for St. Paul’s Cathedral accepted by the king of England? a) 1641 b) 1652 c) 1675 d) 1680 2. When was Christopher Wren born? a) 9 March 1631 b) 21 April 1636 c) 27 July 1635 d) 20 October 1632 3. Where was Christopher Wren born? a) Windsor b) East Knoyle c) Bristol d) Versailles

Amerigo Vespucci Quiz

1) When was Amerigo Vespucci born? a) 9 March 1451 b) 9 April 1478 c) 5 August 1458 d) 3 November 1448 2) Where was Amerigo Vespucci born? a) Lisbon b) Madrid c) Barcelona d) Florence 3) From where did Amerigo Vespucci set sail on 10 May 1497? a) London b) Cadiz c) Venice d) Genoa

Apollo 11 Quiz

1. Who of the following was not an astronaut on Apollo 11? a) Edwin Aldrin b) John Warner c) Michael Collins d) Neil Armstrong 2. When was Apollo 11 launched? a) 11 November 1968 b) 12 October 1967 c) 16 July 1969 d) 22 March 1972 3. What was the name of the lunar module of Apollo 11? a) Dove b) Eagle c) Parrot d) Sparrow