Category: History

Christopher Columbus Quiz

1. Where was Christopher Columbus born? a) Madrid b) Barcelona c) Lisboa d) Genoa 2. Who was the Portuguese king approached by Christopher Columbus for assistance for exploring route to India? a) James V b) John II c) Richard III d) William IV 3. Of which country Ferdinand and Isabella, who granted Christopher Columbus assistance for exploring route to India, were monarchs? a) Poland b) Italy c) Denmark d) Spain

Pieter Willem Botha Quiz

1. When was Pieter Willem Botha Prime Minister of South Africa? a) 1948-1952 b) 1959-1963 c) 1963-1968 d) 1978-1984 2. When was Pieter Willem Botha born? a) 12 January 1916 b) 23 April 1897 c) 26 August 1900 d) 24 November 1901 3. Where was Pieter Willem Botha born? a) Halifax b) Paul Roux c) Toronto d) Vancouver

Statue of Liberty Quiz

1. Who gifted the Statue of Liberty to the people of USA? a) People of Holland b) People of Belgium c) People of France d) People of Canada 2. What is the height of the Statue of Liberty including its pedestal? a) 375 feet b) 305 feet c) 400 feet d) 325 feet

Bhimrao Ambedkar Quiz

1. What was Bhimrao Ambedkar’s position in the Constituent Assembly of India? a) President of the Constituent Assembly b) Vice President of the Constituent Assembly c) Speaker of the Constituent Assembly d) Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly 2. When was Bhimrao Ambedkar born? a) 5 February1883 b) 14 April 1891 c) 24 August 1884 d) 21 October 1883 3. Where was Bhimrao Ambedkar born? a) Mhow b) Bhopal c) Solapur d) Surat

Thomas Wolsey Quiz

Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, the principal designer of the Treaty of London (1518) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Thomas Wolsey Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. When was Thomas Wolsey lord chancellor of England? a) 1501-1511 b) 1515-1529 c) 1531-1536 d) 1537-1544 2. Where was Thomas Wolsey born? a) Ipswich b) Bath c) Winchester d) Durham 3. Which university did Thomas Wolsey attend? a) Cambridge b) Manchester c) Oxford d) Edinburgh 4. When was Thomas Wolsey ordained a priest? a) 12 October 1492 b) 30 June 1496 c) 14 July 1503 d) 10 March 1498 5. When was Thomas Wolsey consecrated a ... Read more

Italy Quiz

1) Which two countries are surrounded on all sides by Italy? a) Gibraltar and Andorra b) Monaco and Andorra c) Vatican and San Marino d) Luxembourg and Monaco 2) Which is the largest island of Italy? a) Sicily b) Sardinia c) Elba d) Crete 3) Which is Italy’s main river? a) Arno b) Po c) Tiber d) Rhine

Nero Quiz

1. When was Nero Roman emperor? a) 41-54 b) 79-81 c) 69-79 d) 54-68 2. When was Nero born? a) 19 March 24 b) 12 June 18 c) 1 August 32 d) 15 December 37 3. Where was Nero born? a) Lugdunum b) Antium c) Lyon d) Berne

Julius Caesar Quiz

1) Who ordered Julius Caesar to divorce Cornelia? a) Brutus b) Sulla c) Spartacus d) Cassius 2) From whom did Julius Caesar get ships for Rome in 79 BC? a) Mithridates b) Nicomedes c) Cyrus d) Alexander 3) When was Julius Caesar elected chief priest? a) 63 BC b) 65 BC c) 67 BC d) 68 BC

Rajiv Gandhi Quiz

1) When was Rajiv Gandhi born? a) 16 October 1944 b) 20 August 1944 c) 24 July 1946 d) 14 August 1944 2) Where was Rajiv Gandhi born? a) New Delhi b) Allahabad c) Gandhi Nagar d) Bombay 3) What is Rajiv Gandhi’s full name? a) Rajiv Ratan Birjees Gandhi b) Rajiv Jawahar Gandhi c) Rajiv Manik Gandhi d) Rajiv Feroze Gandhi

Thomas Edward Lawrence Quiz

1. When was Thomas Edward Lawrence born? a) 4 March 1881 b) 21 April 1896 c) 15 August 1888 d) 30 November 1885 2. Where was Thomas Edward Lawrence born? a) Dublin b) Tremadoc c) Plymouth d) Belfast 3. Which college did Thomas Edward Lawrence attend? a) William and Mary College b) Jesus College c) Rhodes College d) Trinity College