Category: Countries
Georgia Quiz

1. When did Georgia declare independence from USSR? a) 17 January 1964 b) 9 April 1991 c) 24 August 1982 d) 2 December 1984 2. Which sea is to the west of Georgia? a) White b) Black c) Yellow d) Red 3. Which is the capital of Georgia? a) Kutaise b) Rustavi c) Tbilisi d) Sokhumi
Sudan Quiz

1) Which is the largest country in Africa? a) Egypt b) Nigeria c) Sudan d) S. Africa 2) Which region of Sudan is in news for human rights violations? a) Darfur b) Haiya c) Medan d) Sennar 3) Which river flows through Sudan? a) Amazon b) Nile c) Limpopo d) Zambezi
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Quiz

1) When did Saint Vincent and the Grenadines become independent? a) 14 January 1964 b) 22 May 1976 c) 18 September 1982 d) 27 October 1979 2) Who is said to have visited Saint Vincent on 22 January 1498? a) Christopher Columbus b) James Cook c) Abel Tasman d) Vasco da Gama 3) Who was Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’ first prime minister? a) Milton Obote b) Milton Cato c) Marcus Porcius Cato d) Publius Valerius Cato
Eritrea Quiz
1. When was Eritrea officially proclaimed independent? a) 17 March 1948 b) 24 May 1993 c) 18 September 1939 d) 14 November 1931 2. When was the Italian colony of Eritrea officially proclaimed? a) 1 January 1890 b) 23 April 1870 c) 11 August 1880 d) 12 December 1798 3. When did the British drive out the Italians from Eritrea? a) 1961 b) 1954 c) 1941 d) 1945
France Quiz
France Quiz Questions 1) How was France known? a) Cymru b) Sverige c) Gaul d) Britannia 2) Who won the Battle of Tours in 732? a) Charles Martel b) Napoleon c) Louis XVI d) William of Normandy 3) From which people France got its name? a) Normans b) Vikings c) Danes d) Franks
Sweden Quiz
1) What name was taken by Jean Baptiste Bernadotte when he became king of Sweden in 1818? a) Carl XIV Johan b) Olaf c) Gustav 4) Harald 2) When did Sweden become a member of the European Union? a) 1992 b) 1995 c) 2000 d) 2002 3) Which Swedish Prime Minister was assassinated on 28 February 1986? a) Olof Palme b) Tage Erlander c) Thorbjorn Falldin d) Ola Ullsten
Indonesia Quiz
1) What is the approximate number of islands that comprise Indonesia? a) 14,000 b) 15,500 c) 16,000 d) 17,500 2) Which is the most populous island of Indonesia? a) Java b) Sumatra c) Sulawesi d) Aceh 3) Which island of Indonesia has predominantly Hindu population? a) Maluku b) Papua c) Bali d) Sunda
Azerbaijan Quiz
1. When did Azerbaijan declare independence from USSR? a) 27 January 1946 b) 14 June 1962 c) 30 August 1991 d) 5 December 1984 2. Which lake is to the east of Azerbaijan? a) Lake Superior b) Caspian Sea c) Dead Sea d) Lake Michigan 3. Which country is to the south of Azerbaijan? a) Georgia b) Belarus c) Iran d) Estonia
Singapore Quiz
Singapore Quiz Question 1. When did Singapore become independent? a) 9 March 1954 b) 3 April 1984 c) 9 August 1965 d) 16 November 1975 2. Which country is to the north of Singapore? a) Australia b) Malaysia c) Philippines d) Sri Lanka 3. What does Singapore mean? a) Garden City b) Lion City c) Freetown d) Yengema
French Guiana Quiz
French Guiana Quiz Questions 1. Which country is to the south of French Guiana? a) Panama b) Honduras c) Brazil d) Cuba 2. Which country is to the west of French Guiana? a) Canada b) Mexico c) Nicaragua d) Suriname 3. Which ocean is to the north of French Guiana? a) Atlantic b) Pacific c) Indian d) Antarctic 4. Which is the capital of French Guiana? a) Mana b) Cayenne c) Larivot d) Orleans 5. Which is the official language of French Guiana? a) Spanish b) English c) Dutch d) French 6. Which river forms the border between French Guiana ... Read more