Category: Countries
Malta Quiz

1) Who of the following landed in Malta in 60 AD due to shipwreck? a) St. Andrew b) St. Paul c) St. Peter d) St. John 2) Which is the capital of Malta? a) Birkirkara b) Gozo c) Valetta d) Comino 3) Who seized Malta in 1798? a) Napoleon Bonaparte b) Julius Caesar c) Francis Drake d) Charlemagne
Cyprus Quiz

Cyprus Quiz Questions 1. When did Cyprus become independent? a) 1 January 1901 b) 14 May 1918 c) 16 August 1960 d) 18 October 1965 2. Which sea surrounds Cyprus? a) Adriatic b) Mediterranean c) Black d) Yellow 3. Which country is to the east of Cyprus? a) Algeria b) Libya c) Morocco d) Syria
Philippines Quiz

1) What is the approximate number of islands that comprise the Philippines? a) 6,000 b) 7,000 c) 8,000 d) 9,000 2) When did the Philippines become independent? a) 4 July 1776 b) 4 July 1946 c) 14 August 1947 d) 1 January 1984 3) Which country had the Philippines as its colony from 1898 to 1946, except for some years during World War II? a) Portugal b) USA c) UK d) Belgium
Cuba Quiz
1) Who landed in Cuba in 1492? a) Christopher Columbus b) Amerigo Vespucci c) Bartholomew Diaz d) Francisco Pizzaro 2) When was slavery abolished in Cuba? a) 1801 b) 1863 c) 1886 d) 1902 3) Who came to power in Cuba on 1 January 1959? a) Jose Marti b) Gerardo Machado c) Fidel Castro d) Elian Gonzales
Anguilla Quiz
Anguilla Quiz Questions 1. When did the British colonise Anguilla? a) 1607 b) 1620 c) 1650 d) 1725 2. Which is the official language of Anguilla? a) Baure b) English c) Mojo d) Taino 3. When was Anguilla granted universal adult suffrage? a) 1952 b) 1901 c) 1919 d) 1945
Togo Quiz
Togo Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Togo become independent? a) 14 January 1949 b) 27 April 1960 c) 7 September 1955 d) 17 November 1974 2. Which country is to the west of Togo? a) Ghana b) Burkina Faso c) Benin d) Niger 3. Who established Germany protectorate in Togo? a) Paul von Hindenburg b) Max Hoffman c) Franz von Papen d) Gustav Nachtigal
Bahamas Quiz
1) When did The Bahamas become independent? a) 7 March 1968 b) 2 May 1956 c) 10 July 1973 d) 18 November 1981 2) Who granted The Bahamas to Robert Heath in 1629? a) Charles I b) James I c) Charles II d) James II 3) Who ended piracy in The Bahamas? a) William Sayle b) Woodes Rogers c) Andrew Devaux d) John Murray
Christmas Island Quiz
1. Who sighted Christmas Island in 1615? a) James Cook b) Richard Rowe c) Horatio Nelson d) Fletcher Christian 2. When did Christmas Island get its name? a) 6 January 1776 b) 27 April 1607 c) 10 September 1512 d) 25 December 1643 3. Who gave Christmas Island its name? a) Christmas Jones b) Walter Raleigh c) William Mynors d) Arthur Phillip
Marshall Islands Quiz
1. When did Alvaro Saavedra sight Marshall Islands? a) 1529 b) 1496 c) 1512 d) 1523 2. When did John Marshall explore Marshall Islands? a) 1600 b) 1664 c) 1763 d) 1788 3. When did Marshall Islands become a German protectorate? a) 1914 b) 1886 c) 1945 d) 1872
Iran Quiz
1. Which lake is to the north of Iran? a) Lake Prespa b) Lake Lucerne c) Caspian Sea d) Dead Sea 2. Which is the capital of Iran? a) Tehran b) Shiraj c) Isfahan d) Bandar Abbas 3. Which is the currency of Iran? a) Dirham b) Dinar c) Lira d) Rial