Wyoming Quiz

Image: User:Dbenbenn, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

1. When did Wyoming become a state of USA?
  • Correct Answer: 10 July 1890

2. Which state is to the west of Wyoming?
  • Correct Answer: Idaho

3. Which state is to the north of Wyoming?
  • Correct Answer: Montana

4. Which is the capital of Wyoming?
  • Correct Answer: Cheyenne

5. Who was elected Wyoming’s governor in 1924?
  • Correct Answer: Nellie Tayloe Ross

6. Which is the highest point in Wyoming?
  • Correct Answer: Gannett Peak

7. Who designed Wyoming’s flag?
  • Correct Answer: Verna Keays

8. What is the motto of Wyoming?
  • Correct Answer: Equal rights

9. What is the area of Wyoming?
  • Correct Answer: 97,809 sq. mi.

10. When was Yellowstone National Park established?
  • Correct Answer: 1 March 1872