World Trade Organisation Quiz

World Trade Organisation Quiz Questions

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1. When did the World Trade Organization (WTO) come into existence?
(a) 1947
(b) 1986
(c) 1995
(d) 2001

2. Which of the following is NOT a core principle of the WTO?
(a) Non-discrimination
(b) Reciprocity
(c) Protectionism
(d) Transparency

3. The headquarters of the WTO is located in:
(a) New York, USA
(b) Geneva, Switzerland
(c) Brussels, Belgium
(d) London, United Kingdom

4. The WTO deals with:
(a) Global environmental issues
(b) International trade rules
(c) Global health concerns
(d) International monetary system

5. What is the main objective of the WTO?
(a) To promote free trade
(b) To protect the environment
(c) To reduce poverty
(d) To stabilize currency exchange rates

6. Which of the following is NOT a member of the WTO?
(a) United States
(b) China
(c) India
(d) Cuba

7. The dispute settlement body (DSB) of the WTO is responsible for:
(a) Setting trade rules
(b) Resolving trade disputes
(c) Monitoring trade policies
(d) Providing technical assistance

8. What is the term used for the rounds of negotiations held under the WTO framework?
(a) Summits
(b) Conferences
(c) Rounds
(d) Sessions

9. Which of the following is NOT a covered sector under the WTO agreements?
(a) Agriculture
(b) Services
(c) Intellectual property
(d) Currency exchange rates

10. What is the main criticism against the WTO?
(a) It promotes unfair trade practices
(b) It does not address environmental concerns
(c) It benefits developed countries more than developing countries
(d) It has no power to enforce its decisions

11. What is the role of the WTO in promoting economic development?
(a) It provides financial assistance to developing countries
(b) It helps developing countries integrate into the global economy
(c) It sets trade rules that favor developed countries
(d) It has no role in promoting economic development

12. What does the term “trade liberalization” mean?
(a) Increasing trade barriers
(b) Reducing trade barriers
(c) Maintaining existing trade barriers
(d) None of the above

13. Which agreement led to the formation of the WTO?
(a) GATT
(c) EU Treaty
(d) NATO

14. How many member countries does the WTO have as of 2023?
(a) 164
(b) 189
(c) 201
(d) 150

15. What does MFN stand for in WTO terms?
(a) Most Favored Nation
(b) Multi-Functional Network
(c) Monetary Fund Network
(d) Market Free Negotiations

16. Which of these is NOT one of the WTO’s main activities?
(a) Trade negotiations
(b) Implementation and monitoring
(c) Dispute settlement
(d) Setting monetary policy

17. Who heads the WTO?
(a) Secretary General
(b) President
(c) Director-General
(d) Chief Executive Officer

18. What is the highest decision-making body of the WTO?
(a) General Council
(b) Ministerial Conference
(c) Dispute Settlement Body
(d) Trade Policy Review Body

19. How often does the Ministerial Conference typically meet?
(a) Annually
(b) Every two years
(c) Every five years
(d) Monthly

20. Which of these agreements is NOT administered by the WTO?
(a) GATS

21. What does GATS stand for?
(a) General Agreement on Tariffs and Services
(b) Global Agreement on Trade and Services
(c) General Agreement on Trade in Services
(d) Global Association of Trade Systems

22. Which round of trade negotiations led to the creation of the WTO?
(a) Kennedy Round
(b) Tokyo Round
(c) Uruguay Round
(d) Doha Round

23. Which of these is NOT a benefit of WTO membership?
(a) Access to dispute settlement mechanisms
(b) Guaranteed tariff-free trade
(c) Participation in trade negotiations
(d) MFN treatment from other members

24. What does TRIPS stand for in the context of WTO?
(a) Trade-Related Investment Policy Systems
(b) Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
(c) Tariff Reduction and International Policy Standards
(d) Trade Regulation and Import Policy Standards

25. Which of these is NOT a type of subsidy defined by the WTO?
(a) Prohibited subsidies
(b) Actionable subsidies
(c) Non-actionable subsidies
(d) Permanent subsidies

World Trade Organisation Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When did the World Trade Organization (WTO) come into existence?
(c) 1995

2. Which of the following is NOT a core principle of the WTO?
(c) Protectionism

3. The headquarters of the WTO is located in:
(b) Geneva, Switzerland

4. The WTO deals with:
(b) International trade rules

5. What is the main objective of the WTO?
(a) To promote free trade

6. Which of the following is NOT a member of the WTO?
(d) Cuba

7. The dispute settlement body (DSB) of the WTO is responsible for:
(b) Resolving trade disputes

8. What is the term used for the rounds of negotiations held under the WTO framework?
(c) Rounds

9. Which of the following is NOT a covered sector under the WTO agreements?
(d) Currency exchange rates

10. What is the main criticism against the WTO?
(c) It benefits developed countries more than developing countries

11. What is the role of the WTO in promoting economic development?
(b) It helps developing countries integrate into the global economy

12. What does the term “trade liberalization” mean?
(b) Reducing trade barriers

13. Which agreement led to the formation of the WTO?
(a) GATT

14. How many member countries does the WTO have as of 2023?
(a) 164

15. What does MFN stand for in WTO terms?
(a) Most Favored Nation

16. Which of these is NOT one of the WTO’s main activities?
(d) Setting monetary policy

17. Who heads the WTO?
(c) Director-General

18. What is the highest decision-making body of the WTO?
(b) Ministerial Conference

19. How often does the Ministerial Conference typically meet?
(b) Every two years

20. Which of these agreements is NOT administered by the WTO?

21. What does GATS stand for?
(c) General Agreement on Trade in Services

22. Which round of trade negotiations led to the creation of the WTO?
(c) Uruguay Round

23. Which of these is NOT a benefit of WTO membership?
(b) Guaranteed tariff-free trade

24. What does TRIPS stand for in the context of WTO?
(b) Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

25. Which of these is NOT a type of subsidy defined by the WTO?
(d) Permanent subsidies