World Health Organisation Quiz

World Health Organisation Quiz Questions

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1. When was the World Health Organization (WHO) founded?
(a) 1920
(b) 1948
(c) 1975
(d) 2000

2. What is the headquarters of the WHO?
(a) New York City, USA
(b) Beijing, China
(c) Geneva, Switzerland
(d) London, England

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the primary functions of the WHO?
(a) Developing and promoting global health standards
(b) Providing leadership on global health matters
(c) Supporting countries in improving their health systems
(d) Conducting research on diseases

4. What is the official language of the WHO?
(a) English
(b) French
(c) Spanish
(d) All of the above

5. Which iconic symbol is associated with the WHO?
(a) A red cross on a white background
(b) A snake wrapped around a staff
(c) A blue globe with a green cross
(d) A white dove

6. Which of these is NOT one of the WHO’s six leadership priorities?
(a) Advancing universal health coverage
(b) Addressing health emergencies
(c) Promoting healthier populations
(d) Increasing global military spending

7. What is the primary goal of the WHO’s “Health for All” strategy?
(a) To eradicate polio worldwide
(b) To provide universal health coverage
(c) To eliminate hunger and malnutrition
(d) To promote mental health

8. The WHO has been instrumental in eradicating which disease?
(a) Smallpox
(b) Measles
(c) Polio
(d) Tuberculosis

9. Which global health emergency prompted a significant increase in the WHO’s role and visibility?
(a) The Ebola outbreak in West Africa
(b) The Zika virus epidemic
(c) The COVID-19 pandemic
(d) The H1N1 influenza pandemic

10. What is the name of the WHO’s framework for health system performance assessment?
(a) Global Health Index
(b) World Health Report
(c) Health Systems Performance Assessment
(d) Universal Health Coverage Monitoring

11. The WHO emphasizes the importance of which of the following in addressing global health challenges?
(a) Primary healthcare
(b) Traditional medicine
(c) Biomedical research
(d) All of the above

12. What does SAGE stand for in the context of the WHO?
(a) Strategic Advisory Group of Experts
(b) Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies
(c) System for Analyzing Global Epidemics
(d) Standardized Approach to Global Emergencies

13. Which of the following is NOT a key focus area for the WHO in the future?
(a) Addressing antimicrobial resistance
(b) Promoting mental health
(c) Developing new vaccines
(d) Combating climate change

14. Which of these diseases has NOT been declared eliminated in any WHO region?
(a) Polio
(b) Malaria
(c) Measles

15. What is the term of office for the WHO Director-General?
(a) 3 years
(b) 4 years
(c) 5 years
(d) 6 years

16. What does IHR stand for in the context of the WHO?
(a) International Health Regulations
(b) Integrated Health Response
(c) Immediate Health Relief
(d) Intergovernmental Health Recommendations

17. The WHO has developed guidelines for which of the following?
(a) Safe blood transfusion
(b) Proper hygiene practices
(c) Treatment of tuberculosis
(d) All of the above

18. Who was the first Director-General of the WHO?
(a) Brock Chisholm
(b) Halfdan Mahler
(c) Gro Harlem Brundtland
(d) Margaret Chan

19. Which day is celebrated as World Health Day?
(a) April 7
(b) May 1
(c) June 5
(d) July 28

20. Which of these is NOT a primary function of the WHO?
(a) Providing leadership on global health matters
(b) Setting health research agendas
(c) Providing financial aid to member countries
(d) Monitoring health trends

21. What is the name of the WHO’s highest decision-making body?
(a) Executive Board
(b) World Health Assembly
(c) Regional Committees
(d) Global Health Council

22. Which of these is NOT one of the WHO’s six regional offices?
(a) Africa
(b) Americas
(c) South-East Asia
(d) Central Asia

23. In which year did the WHO launch its Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
(a) 1978
(b) 1988
(c) 1998
(d) 2008

24. What does COVAX stand for in the context of the WHO’s work?
(a) COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access
(b) Coronavirus Vaccination Program
(c) Coordinated Vaccine Distribution
(d) COVID-19 Vaccination Exchange

25. What is the name of the WHO’s program for providing essential medicines to developing countries?
(a) Global Drug Initiative
(b) Essential Medicines List
(c) Medicines for All
(d) Pharma-World Program

World Health Organisation Quiz Questions with Answers

1. When was the World Health Organization (WHO) founded?
(b) 1948

2. What is the headquarters of the WHO?
(c) Geneva, Switzerland

3. Which of the following is NOT one of the primary functions of the WHO?
(d) Conducting research on diseases

4. What is the official language of the WHO?
(d) All of the above

5. Which iconic symbol is associated with the WHO?
(b) A snake wrapped around a staff

6. Which of these is NOT one of the WHO’s six leadership priorities?
d) Increasing global military spending

7. What is the primary goal of the WHO’s “Health for All” strategy?
(b) To provide universal health coverage

8. The WHO has been instrumental in eradicating which disease?
(a) Smallpox

9. Which global health emergency prompted a significant increase in the WHO’s role and visibility?
(c) The COVID-19 pandemic

10. What is the name of the WHO’s framework for health system performance assessment?
(c) Health Systems Performance Assessment

11. The WHO emphasizes the importance of which of the following in addressing global health challenges?
(a) Primary healthcare

12. What does SAGE stand for in the context of the WHO?
(a) Strategic Advisory Group of Experts

13. Which of the following is NOT a key focus area for the WHO in the future?
(c) Developing new vaccines

14. Which of these diseases has NOT been declared eliminated in any WHO region?

15. What is the term of office for the WHO Director-General?
(c) 5 years

16. What does IHR stand for in the context of the WHO?
(a) International Health Regulations

17. The WHO has developed guidelines for which of the following?
(d) All of the above

18. Who was the first Director-General of the WHO?
(a) Brock Chisholm

19. Which day is celebrated as World Health Day?
(a) April 7

20. Which of these is NOT a primary function of the WHO?
(c) Providing financial aid to member countries

21. What is the name of the WHO’s highest decision-making body?
(b) World Health Assembly

22. Which of these is NOT one of the WHO’s six regional offices?
(d) Central Asia

23. In which year did the WHO launch its Global Polio Eradication Initiative?
(b) 1988

24. What does COVAX stand for in the context of the WHO’s work?
(a) COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access

25. What is the name of the WHO’s program for providing essential medicines to developing countries?
(b) Essential Medicines List