Westminster Abbey Quiz

Westminster Abbey Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Who confirmed by a bull privileges granted to Westminster Abbey by Edward the Confessor?
a) Innocent III
b) Nicholas II
c) Gregory VII
d) Leo X

2. When was Westminster Abbey consecrated?
a) 4 February 1244
b) 15 May 1162
c) 23 August 1089
d) 28 December 1065

3. Who was the first monarch consecrated in Westminster Abbey?
a) Canute
b) William the Conqueror
c) Stephen
d) William of Orange

4. Who replaced Westminster Abbey in Gothic style in 1245?
a) Henry III
b) Richard II
c) Edward VI
d) James I

5. Who refounded Westminster Abbey as Collegiate Church of St. Peter in Westminster in 1560?
a) Mary I
b) Anne
c) Elizabeth I
d) Mary II

6. Who of the following monarchs was not consecrated in Westminster Abbey?
a) Edward VIII
b) George VI
c) Victoria
d) William IV

7. Who designed the western towers of Westminster Abbey built in 1734-1745?
a) John Vanbrugh
b) William Congreve
c) Nicholas Hawksmoor
d) Jerome Collier

8. Who was the last monarch buried in Westminster Abbey?
a) George II
b) James II
c) Charles II
d) Richard I

9. Who remodelled the high altar of Westminster Abbey in 1867?
a) Augustus W. N. Pugin
b) George Gilbert Scott
c) John Talbot
d) Charles Barry

10. When did UNESCO declare Westminster Abbey a World Heritage Site?
a) 2002
b) 1995
c) 1972
d) 1987

Westminster Abbey Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Who confirmed by a bull privileges granted to Westminster Abbey by Edward the Confessor?
b) Nicholas II

2. When was Westminster Abbey consecrated?
d) 28 December 1065

3. Who was the first monarch consecrated in Westminster Abbey?
b) William the Conqueror

4. Who replaced Westminster Abbey in Gothic style in 1245?
a) Henry III

5. Who refounded Westminster Abbey as Collegiate Church of St. Peter in Westminster in 1560?
c) Elizabeth I

6. Who of the following monarchs was not consecrated in Westminster Abbey?
a) Edward VIII

7. Who designed the western towers of Westminster Abbey built in 1734-1745?
c) Nicholas Hawksmoor

8. Who was the last monarch buried in Westminster Abbey?
a) George II

9. Who remodelled the high altar of Westminster Abbey in 1867?
b) George Gilbert Scott

10. When did UNESCO declare Westminster Abbey a World Heritage Site?
d) 1987