Wallis Warfield Quiz

Wallis Warfield Quiz Questions

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1. What was Wallis Warfield’s original name?
a) Elizabeth Killigrew
b) Catherine Warfield
c) Mary Davis
d) Bessie Wallis Warfield

2. When was Wallis Warfield born?
a) 4 February 1894
b) 19 June 1896
c) 21 August 1893
d) 30 December 1895

3. Where was Wallis Warfield born?
a) Blue Ridge Summit
b) Cockeysville
c) Warrenton
d) Portland

4. Which school did Wallis Warfield attend?
a) Holy Family School
b) St. Joseph’s School
c) Boston Public Latin School
d) Oldfields School

5. When did Wallis Warfield marry Earl Spencer?
a) 3 March 1914
b) 5 May 1922
c) 9 September 1918
d) 8 November 1916

6. Whom did Wallis Warfield marry in 1928?
a) Ernest Simpson
b) Norman Simpson
c) George Simpson
d) Stanley Spencer

7. When did Wallis Warfield marry Edward Windsor, who was Edward VIII in 1936?
a) 14 February 1938
b) 3 June 1937
c) 4 August 1940
d) 7 October 1941

8. When did Wallis Warfield publish The Heart Has Its Reasons?
a) 1972
b) 1975
c) 1956
d) 1964

9. When did Wallis Warfield die?
a) 28 January 1979
b) 24 April 1986
c) 11 July 1983
d) 21 November 1991

10. Where did Wallis Warfield die?
a) Dublin
b) London
c) Paris
d) Washington

Wallis Warfield Quiz Questions with Answers

1. What was Wallis Warfield’s original name?
d) Bessie Wallis Warfield

2. When was Wallis Warfield born?
b) 19 June 1896

3. Where was Wallis Warfield born?
a) Blue Ridge Summit

4. Which school did Wallis Warfield attend?
d) Oldfields School

5. When did Wallis Warfield marry Earl Spencer?
d) 8 November 1916

6. Whom did Wallis Warfield marry in 1928?
a) Ernest Simpson

7. When did Wallis Warfield marry Edward Windsor, who was Edward VIII in 1936?
b) 3 June 1937

8. When did Wallis Warfield publish The Heart Has Its Reasons?
c) 1956

9. When did Wallis Warfield die?
b) 24 April 1986

10. Where did Wallis Warfield die?
c) Paris