Vigilius Quiz

1. Who ordered that Silverius be deposed and Vigilius be made pope?
  • Correct Answer: Theodora

2. Who carried out the order of deposing Silverius and replacing him with Vigilius as pope?
  • Correct Answer: Belisarius

3. When was Vigilius pope?
  • Correct Answer: 537-555

4. Who issued an edict in 544 that caused the “Three Chapters Controversy”?
  • Correct Answer: Justinian I

5. When did Constantinople II meet?
  • Correct Answer: 553

6. From where did Vigilius issue censures against clerics who supported Justinian I?
  • Correct Answer: Chalcedon

7. When did Vigilius issue a Constitutum that withheld the ratification of the decision of Constantinople II?
  • Correct Answer: 24 May 553

8. When did Vigilius revoke the first Constitutum and issue the second Constitutum that the ratified the decision of Constantinople II?
  • Correct Answer: 23 February 554

9. When did Vigilius die?
  • Correct Answer: 7 June 555

10. Where did Vigilius die?
  • Correct Answer: Syracuse