Vermont Quiz

1. When did Vermont become a state of USA?
  • Correct Answer: 4 March 1791

2. When did the British erect Fort Dummer?
  • Correct Answer: 1724

3. When did the French settle on Isle de Motte?
  • Correct Answer: 1666

4. Which country is to the north of Vermont?
  • Correct Answer: Canada

5. Which state is to the south of Vermont?
  • Correct Answer: Massachusetts

6. Which state is to the east of Vermont?
  • Correct Answer: New Hampshire

7. Which state is to the west of Vermont?
  • Correct Answer: New York

8. Which is the capital of Vermont?
  • Correct Answer: Montpelier

9. What is the motto of Vermont?
  • Correct Answer: Freedom and unity

10. Who of the following presidents of USA was born in Vermont?
  • Correct Answer: Calvin Coolidge

Photo by AliceWonderingLand