USA Presidential Election 2016 Quiz – V

1. Cleveland is in Ohio. Who, being Republican Governor of Ohio, did not attend Republican National Convention 2016?
  • Correct Answer: John Kasich

2. How long was Donald Trump’s acceptance speech at Republican National Convention 2016?
  • Correct Answer: 1 hour 15 minutes

3. Whom did Hillary Clinton announce as her Vice Presidential running mate?
  • Correct Answer: Timothy Michael Kaine

4. Where was Democratic National Convention 2016 held?
  • Correct Answer: Philadelphia

5. When did WikiLeaks make public Democratic National Committee e-mails?
  • Correct Answer: 22 July 2016

6. How many Democratic National Committee e-mails did WikiLeaks post?
  • Correct Answer: 19252

7. Who first publicly accused Russia of leaking Democratic National Committee e-mails?
  • Correct Answer: Robby Mook

8. When was Democratic National Convention 2016 held?
  • Correct Answer: 25-28 July 2016

9. Who announced her resignation as Chairperson of Democratic National Committee after the e-mails became public?
  • Correct Answer: Debbie Wasserman Schultz

10. What was Sergey Lavrov’s response to the question about Russia being behind hacking of Democratic National Committee e-mails?
  • Correct Answer: I don’t want to use four letter words.