USA Presidential Election 2016 Quiz – IV

1. Who said in the House of Commons “Members of Parliament are being bombarded by electronic communications from Team Trump on behalf of somebody called Donald Trump.”?
  • Correct Answer: Roger Gale

2. Who referred to Never Trump Movement as Republicans Against Trump or RATs?
  • Correct Answer: Sarah Palin

3. Who said about Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server “Although the Department of Justice makes final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to Justice our view that no charges are appropriate in this case.”?
  • Correct Answer: James Comey

4. When did Donald Trump announce Michael Richard Pense as his Vice Presidential running mate?
  • Correct Answer: 15 July 2016

5. Which USA Supreme Court said Donald Trump is a faker?
  • Correct Answer: Ruth Ginsburg

6. Where was Republican National Convention 2016 held?
  • Correct Answer: Cleveland

7. When was Republican National Convention 2016 held?
  • Correct Answer: 18-21 July 2016

8. Who took the blame for similarity of Melania Trump’s speech at Republican National Convention 2016 to Michelle Obama’s speech at Democratic National Convention 2008?
  • Correct Answer: Meredith McIver

9. Which state with 89 delegates for Donald Trump and 6 delegates for John Kasich put Donald Trump on the top at Republican National Convention 2016?
  • Correct Answer: New York

10. Who was booed for not endorsing Donald Trump at Republican National Convention 2016?
  • Correct Answer: Rafael Edward Cruz