Trolius and Cressida Quiz

Trolius and Cressida Quiz Questions

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1. What event sparked the Trojan War?
(a) The kidnapping of Helen by Paris
(b) A dispute over land ownership
(c) A religious disagreement
(d) A personal vendetta

2. Who is the main protagonist of the play?
(a) Hector
(b) Achilles
(c) Troilus
(d) Diomedes

3. Who plays the role of a go-between for Troilus and Cressida?
(a) Helen
(b) Paris
(c) Pandarus
(d) Cassandra

4. What is the central theme of the play?
(a) The destructive power of love
(b) The importance of loyalty
(c) The inevitability of war
(d) The futility of human endeavor

5. How does Cressida feel about Troilus at the beginning of the play?
(a) Indifferent
(b) Hostile
(c) Amused
(d) Attracted

6. What happens to Cressida during the course of the play?
(a) She remains loyal to Troilus
(b) She marries Paris
(c) She is captured by the Greeks
(d) She dies in childbirth

7. What is the significance of the “Trojan Horse” in the play?
(a) It is a symbol of Trojan strength
(b) It is a gift from the Greeks
(c) It is a device used to trick the Trojans
(d) It is a mythical creature

8. Who is the leader of the Greek forces?
(a) Agamemnon
(b) Odysseus
(c) Achilles
(d) Diomedes

9. Why does Troilus refuse to fight in the first scene of the play?
(a) He is injured
(b) He is afraid
(c) He is heartbroken
(d) He is disobeying his father

10. What is the ultimate fate of Troy?
(a) It is spared by the Greeks
(b) It is destroyed by the Greeks
(c) It is conquered by the Persians
(d) It is abandoned by its citizens

11. Who is the Greek warrior known for his speed and agility?
(a) Ajax
(b) Hector
(c) Achilles
(d) Diomedes

12. Who is the Trojan prince who is killed by Achilles?
(a) Hector
(b) Paris
(c) Deiphobus
(d) Troilus

13.What is the name of the Greek hero who is known for his wisdom and eloquence?
(a) Achilles
(b) Odysseus
(c) Agamemnon
(d) Nestor

14. What is the name of the Greek hero who is known for his cunning and intelligence?
(a) Achilles
(b) Ulysses
(c) Agamemnon
(d) Diomedes

15. What is the name of the Trojan prince who is killed by Achilles?
(a) Hector
(b) Hecuba
(c) Chryses
(d) Apollo

16. What is the name of the Trojan princess who is known for her beauty?
(a) Helen
(b) Andromache
(c) Cassandra
(d) Polyxena

17. What is the name of the Trojan princess who is known for her prophetic abilities?
(a) Helen
(b) Andromache
(c) Cassandra
(d) Polyxena

18. What is the name of the Greek hero who is known for his bravery and loyalty?
(a) Achilles
(b) Agamemnon
(c) Ulysses
(d) Diomedes

19. Why is Cressida exchanged for Antenor?
(a) As a peace offering to the Greeks
(b) As a punishment for her betrayal
(c) As a reward for her loyalty
(d) As a political maneuver by the Trojans

20. How does Cressida feel about Troilus after she is exchanged for Antenor?
(a) She continues to love him deeply
(b) She feels betrayed by him
(c) She is indifferent to him
(d) She is angry at him

21. What is the overall tone of the play?
(a) Optimistic
(b) Pessimistic
(c) Satirical
(d) Romantic

22. Who is Cressida’s father?
(a) Calchas
(b) Priam
(c) Hector
(d) Paris

23. Who is the Trojan princess who is admired by both Troilus and Paris?
(a) Andromache
(b) Helen of Troy
(c) Cressida
(d) Polyxena

24. What is the name of the Trojan hero who is considered the greatest warrior of Troy?
(a) Paris
(b) Hector
(c) Aeneas
(d) Deiphobus

25. What is the name of the Trojan prince who is known for his arrogance and pride?
(a) Paris
(b) Hector
(c) Aeneas
(d) Deiphobus

Trolius and Cressida Quiz Questions with Answers

1. What event sparked the Trojan War?
(a) The kidnapping of Helen by Paris

2. Who is the main protagonist of the play?
(c) Troilus

3. Who plays the role of a go-between for Troilus and Cressida?
(c) Pandarus

4. What is the central theme of the play?
(a) The destructive power of love

5. How does Cressida feel about Troilus at the beginning of the play?
(d) Attracted

6. What happens to Cressida during the course of the play?
(c) She is captured by the Greeks

7. What is the significance of the “Trojan Horse” in the play?
(c) It is a device used to trick the Trojans

8. Who is the leader of the Greek forces?
(a) Agamemnon

9. Why does Troilus refuse to fight in the first scene of the play?
(c) He is heartbroken

10. What is the ultimate fate of Troy?
(b) It is destroyed by the Greeks

11. Who is the Greek warrior known for his speed and agility?
(c) Achilles

12. Who is the Trojan prince who is killed by Achilles?
(d) Troilus

13.What is the name of the Greek hero who is known for his wisdom and eloquence?
(d) Nestor

14. What is the name of the Greek hero who is known for his cunning and intelligence?
(b) Ulysses

15. What is the name of the Trojan prince who is killed by Achilles?
(a) Hector

16. What is the name of the Trojan princess who is known for her beauty?
(a) Helen

17. What is the name of the Trojan princess who is known for her prophetic abilities?
(c) Cassandra

18. What is the name of the Greek hero who is known for his bravery and loyalty?
(d) Diomedes

19. Why is Cressida exchanged for Antenor?
(a) As a peace offering to the Greeks

20. How does Cressida feel about Troilus after she is exchanged for Antenor?
(b) She feels betrayed by him

21. What is the overall tone of the play?
(b) Pessimistic

22. Who is Cressida’s father?
(a) Calchas

23. Who is the Trojan princess who is admired by both Troilus and Paris?
(c) Cressida

24. What is the name of the Trojan hero who is considered the greatest warrior of Troy?
(b) Hector

25. What is the name of the Trojan prince who is known for his arrogance and pride?
(a) Paris