Titus Andronicus Quiz

Titus Andronicus Quiz Questions

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1. Who is the main protagonist of Titus Andronicus?
(a) Saturninus
(b) Tamora
(c) Titus Andronicus
(d) Lucius

2. What is the primary theme of the play?
(a) Love and loss
(b) Revenge and retribution
(c) Political intrigue
(d) The power of friendship

3. How does Titus Andronicus lose his sons?
(a) In a battle against the Goths
(b) As a sacrifice to Tamora’s gods
(c) In a personal vendetta against Titus
(d) By drowning in a river

4. Who is Tamora?
(a) Titus’s wife
(b) The Queen of the Goths
(c) A Roman senator
(d) A witch

5. What happens to Lavinia, Titus’s daughter?
(a) She is killed in a battle
(b) She is exiled from Rome
(c) She is raped and mutilated
(d) She becomes a nun

6. Who is Aaron?
(a) A loyal servant to Titus
(b) A Moorish prince
(c) A Roman soldier
(d) A supernatural being

7. What does Titus do in response to the atrocities committed against his family?
(a) He forgives his enemies
(b) He seeks revenge
(c) He becomes a hermit
(d) He commits suicide

8. Who is the ultimate villain of the play?
(a) Saturninus
(b) Tamora
(c) Aaron
(d) Titus

9. What is the significance of the “peacock feathers” in the play?
(a) They symbolize peace and harmony
(b) They are a sign of royalty
(c) They are used in a gruesome act of revenge
(d) They are a symbol of love

10. How does the play end?
(a) With a happy reunion of the family
(b) With the defeat of the Goths
(c) With a tragic death of several main characters
(d) With a mysterious disappearance of the characters

11. What is the relationship between Titus and Lucius?
(a) Father and son
(b) Brothers
(c) Cousins
(d) Unrelated

12. Who is the emperor at the beginning of the play?
(a) Titus
(b) Saturninus
(c) Bassianus
(d) Marcus

13. Why does Tamora desire revenge on Titus?
(a) He killed her son
(b) He insulted her honor
(c) He stole her land
(d) He refused to marry her

14. What is the name of the Roman goddess that Tamora worships?
(a) Diana
(b) Minerva
(c) Venus
(d) Revenge

15. How does Titus die?
(a) By suicide
(b) In a battle
(c) By murder
(d) By starvation

16. Who is the mother of Chiron and Demetrius?
(a) Titus
(b) Saturninus
(c) Bassianus
(d) Tamora

17. What is the name of the Roman senator who supports Titus?
(a) Saturninus
(b) Lucius
(c) Quintus
(d) Mutius

18. What is the significance of the “rape of Lavinia” scene in the play?
(a) It is a gratuitous act of violence
(b) It is a symbol of the corruption of power
(c) It is a metaphor for the destruction of innocence
(d) It is a reflection of the societal norms of the time

19. Who is the “ghost” that appears to Titus at the end of the play?
(a) His wife
(b) His sons
(c) His daughter
(d) A supernatural entity

20. What is the overall tone of the play?
(a) Humorous
(b) Romantic
(c) Tragic
(d) Philosophical

21. How does the play’s ending reflect the theme of revenge?
(a) It shows that revenge is ultimately destructive
(b) It suggests that revenge is justified
(c) It implies that revenge is a cycle that never ends
(d) It demonstrates that revenge is a powerful tool for justice

22. What is the significance of the play’s title, “Titus Andronicus”?
(a) It is a reference to a historical figure
(b) It is a symbol of Roman power
(c) It is a metaphor for the tragedy of the play
(d) It is a tribute to the main character

23. Who is the child of Tamora and Aaron?
(a) Alarbus
(b) Demetrius
(c) Chiron
(d) Lucius

24. Who is the son Tamora who is sacrificed to the gods by Titus Andronicus?
(a) Lucius
(b) Mutius
(c) Alarbus
(d) Quintus

25. Who is the final survivor of the Andronicus family?
(a) Titus Andronicus
(b) Lucius Andronicus
(c) Marcus Andronicus
(d) Quintus Andronicus

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1. Who is the main protagonist of Titus Andronicus?
(c) Titus Andronicus

2. What is the primary theme of the play?
(b) Revenge and retribution

3. How does Titus Andronicus lose his sons?
(a) In a battle against the Goths

4. Who is Tamora?
(b) The Queen of the Goths

5. What happens to Lavinia, Titus’s daughter?
(c) She is raped and mutilated

6. Who is Aaron?
(b) A Moorish prince

7. What does Titus do in response to the atrocities committed against his family?
(b) He seeks revenge

8. Who is the ultimate villain of the play?
(c) Aaron

9. What is the significance of the “peacock feathers” in the play?
(c) They are used in a gruesome act of revenge

10. How does the play end?
(c) With a tragic death of several main characters

11. What is the relationship between Titus and Lucius?
(a) Father and son

12. Who is the emperor at the beginning of the play?
(b) Saturninus

13. Why does Tamora desire revenge on Titus?
(a) He killed her son

14. What is the name of the Roman goddess that Tamora worships?
(d) Revenge

15. How does Titus die?
(c) By murder

16. Who is the mother of Chiron and Demetrius?
(d) Tamora

17. What is the name of the Roman senator who supports Titus?
(a) Saturninus

18. What is the significance of the “rape of Lavinia” scene in the play?
(a) It is a gratuitous act of violence

19. Who is the “ghost” that appears to Titus at the end of the play?
(d) A supernatural entity

20. What is the overall tone of the play?
(c) Tragic

21. How does the play’s ending reflect the theme of revenge?
(a) It shows that revenge is ultimately destructive

22. What is the significance of the play’s title, “Titus Andronicus”?
(d) It is a tribute to the main character

23. Who is the child of Tamora and Aaron?
(a) Alarbus

24. Who is the son Tamora who is sacrificed to the gods by Titus Andronicus?
(c) Alarbus

25. Who is the final survivor of the Andronicus family?
(c) Marcus Andronicus