Thomas Young Quiz

1. Where was Thomas Young born?
  • Correct Answer: Milverton

2. Which college did Thomas Young attend?
  • Correct Answer: Emmanuel College

3. When did Thomas Young marry Eliza Maxwell?
  • Correct Answer: 4 June 1804

4. Which principle did Thomas Young establish?
  • Correct Answer: Interference of light

5. What name did Thomas Young give to the major language group he identified?
  • Correct Answer: Indo-European

6. When did Thomas Young publish A course of lectures on Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts?
  • Correct Answer: 1807

7. Which of the following did Thomas Young help to decipher?
  • Correct Answer: Rosetta Stone

8. Which of the following is said about Thomas Young?
  • Correct Answer: The last person who knew everything.

9. When did Thomas Young die?
  • Correct Answer: 10 May 1829

10. Where did Thomas Young die?
  • Correct Answer: London