Theodor Herzl Quiz

Theodor Herzl - Founder of Modern Political Zionism

1. When was Theodor Herzl born?
a) 2 February 1865
b) 2 May 1860
c) 2 September 1861
d) 15 December 1862

2. Where was Theodor Herzl born?
a) Budapest
b) Jerusalem
c) Hebron
d) Tel Aviv

3. Which university did Theodor Herzl attend?
a) Warsaw
b) Moscow
c) Vienna
d) Oxford

4. Which newspaper appointed Theodor Herzl its Paris correspondent?
a) Neue Freie Presse
b) Bild
c) Scala
d) Tribune

5. When did Theodor Herzl move to Paris?
a) 1881
b) 1891
c) 1898
d) 1888

6. When was Theodor Herzl’s pamphlet The Jewish State published?
a) 1876
b) 1894
c) 1878
d) 1896

7. Where was the first Zionist Congress held?
a) New York
b) Petrograd
c) Basel
d) Tripoli

8. Of which organization was Theodor Herzl the first president?
a) World Zionist Organization
b) World Zoroastrian Organization
c) Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
d) World Health Organization

9. When did Theodor Herzl die?
a) 12 March 1914
b) 17 June 1936
c) 3 July 1904
d) 29 December 1940

10. Where did Theodor Herzl die?
a) Edlach
b) Munich
c) Berlin
d) Frankfurt

Theodor Herzl Quiz Answers

1. When was Theodor Herzl born?
b) 2 May 1860

2. Where was Theodor Herzl born?
a) Budapest

3. Which university did Theodor Herzl attend?
c) Vienna

4. Which newspaper appointed Theodor Herzl its Paris correspondent?
a) Neue Freie Presse

5. When did Theodor Herzl move to Paris?
b) 1891

6. When was Theodor Herzl’s pamphlet The Jewish State published?
d) 1896

7. Where was the first Zionist Congress held?
c) Basel

8. Of which organization was Theodor Herzl the first president?
a) World Zionist Organization

9. When did Theodor Herzl die?
c) 3 July 1904

10. Where did Theodor Herzl die?
a) Edlach