The Walking Dead Quiz

The Walking Dead Quiz

The Walking Dead Quiz Questions

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1. What is the term used to describe the undead in “The Walking Dead”?
(a) Zombies
(b) Ghouls
(c) Walkers
(d) Infected

2. Who is Rick Grimes’s best friend and fellow survivor?
(a) Daryl Dixon
(b) Glenn Rhee
(c) Shane Walsh
(d) Carl Grimes

3. What is the name of the prison that Rick’s group occupies for a period of time?
(a) Alexandria
(b) Woodbury
(c) Hilltop
(d) West Georgia Correctional Facility

4. Who is the leader of Woodbury?
(a) Negan
(b) The Governor
(c) Alpha
(d) Gareth

5. What weapon does Negan famously wield?
(a) A sword
(b) A crossbow
(c) A baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire
(d) A pistol

6. What is the name of Negan’s bat?
(a) Lucille
(b) Betsy
(c) Maggie
(d) Carol

7. What is the name of the safe-zone community that Rick’s group eventually joins?
(a) Terminus
(b) Oceanside
(c) Alexandria Safe-Zone
(d) The Kingdom

8. Who is the leader of the Kingdom?
(a) Gregory
(b) Ezekiel
(c) Jesus
(d) Aaron

9. What is the name of the group that wears walker skin masks?
(a) The Saviors
(b) The Wolves
(c) The Whisperers
(d) The Reapers

10. Who is the leader of the Whisperers?
(a) Beta
(b) Gamma
(c) Alpha
(d) Delta

11. What is Daryl Dixon’s signature weapon?
(a) A rifle
(b) A pistol
(c) A crossbow
(d) A knife

12. Who is Carol Peletier’s adopted daughter?
(a) Judith
(b) Sophia
(c) Enid
(d) Lydia

13. What is the name of Maggie and Glenn’s son?
(a) Carl
(b) Henry
(c) Hershel
(d) RJ

14. What is the name of the community that resides by the ocean?
(a) Hilltop
(b) Oceanside
(c) Woodbury
(d) The Sanctuary

15. Who was the original leader of the hilltop colony?
(a) Jesus
(b) Maggie
(c) Gregory
(d) Earl

16. What profession did Eugene Porter claim to have before the apocalypse?
(a) A doctor
(b) A scientist
(c) An engineer
(d) A teacher

17. What is the name of Rick’s daughter?
(a) Sophia
(b) Carol
(c) Judith
(d) Michonne

18. What is Michonne’s signature weapon?
(a) A gun
(b) A knife
(c) A katana
(d) A crossbow

19. Who was Shane Walsh?
(a) Ricks friend and partner.
(b) Negan’s right hand man.
(c) A whisperer.
(d) A resident of hilltop.

20. What type of animal did Ezekiel have as a pet?
(a) A dog
(b) A horse
(c) A tiger
(d) A lion

21. What was the name of Ezekiels tiger?
(a) Stripes
(b) Shiva
(c) Raja
(d) Leo

22. Where did Rick Grimes first wake up after the apocalypse began?
(a) A hospital
(b) A police station
(c) A school
(d) A farm

23. Who was the first of the main group to die?
(a) Shane
(b) Dale
(c) Amy
(d) Jim

24. What is the name of the group that attacked Alexandria after the wolves?
(a) The scavengers
(b) The whisperers
(c) The reapers.
(d) The terminus residents.

25. Who is the Creator of “The Walking Dead”?
(a) Martin Scorsese and Francis Ford Coppola
(b) Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard
(c) Steven Spielberg and John Ford
(d) Quentin Tarantino and Stanley Kubrick

The Walking Dead Quiz Questions with Answers

1. What is the term used to describe the undead in “The Walking Dead”?
(c) Walkers

2. Who is Rick Grimes’s best friend and fellow survivor?
(c) Shane Walsh

3. What is the name of the prison that Rick’s group occupies for a period of time?
(d) West Georgia Correctional Facility

4. Who is the leader of Woodbury?
(b) The Governor

5. What weapon does Negan famously wield?
(c) A baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire

6. What is the name of Negan’s bat?
(a) Lucille

7. What is the name of the safe-zone community that Rick’s group eventually joins?
(c) Alexandria Safe-Zone

8. Who is the leader of the Kingdom?
(b) Ezekiel

9. What is the name of the group that wears walker skin masks?
(c) The Whisperers

10. Who is the leader of the Whisperers?
(c) Alpha

11. What is Daryl Dixon’s signature weapon?
(c) A crossbow

12. Who is Carol Peletier’s adopted daughter?
(b) Sophia

13. What is the name of Maggie and Glenn’s son?
(c) Hershel

14. What is the name of the community that resides by the ocean?
(b) Oceanside

15. Who was the original leader of the hilltop colony?
(c) Gregory

16. What profession did Eugene Porter claim to have before the apocalypse?
(b) A scientist

17. What is the name of Rick’s daughter?
(c) Judith

18. What is Michonne’s signature weapon?
(c) A katana

19. Who was Shane Walsh?
(a) Ricks friend and partner.

20. What type of animal did Ezekiel have as a pet?
(c) A tiger

21. What was the name of Ezekiels tiger?
(b) Shiva

22. Where did Rick Grimes first wake up after the apocalypse began?
(a) A hospital

23. Who was the first of the main group to die?
(c) Amy

24. What is the name of the group that attacked Alexandria after the wolves?
(a) The scavengers

25. Who is the Creator of “The Walking Dead”?
(b) Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard