The Vietnam War Quiz

The Vietnam War Quiz Questions

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1. Ho Chi Minh, the leader of North Vietnam, was known for being:
(a) A French collaborator
(b) A nationalist and communist leader
(c) A US-backed dictator
(d) A religious leader

2. The guerilla fighters fighting alongside North Vietnam were known as the:
(a) Viet Minh (fought for independence from France)
(b) Viet Cong
(c) Khmer Rouge
(d) Pathet Lao

3. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1964:
(a) Authorized a full-scale US invasion of North Vietnam
(b) Gave the president broad war powers in Southeast Asia
(c) Ended US involvement in the Vietnam War
(d) Marked the official beginning of the war

4. What was the name of the strategic supply route used by North Vietnam to transport troops and supplies?
(a) Ho Chi Minh Trail
(b) Mekong River
(c) South China Sea
(d) Iron Curtain

5. Guerilla warfare tactics used by the Viet Cong included:
(a) Open battles with US forces
(b) Booby traps and surprise attacks
(c) Large-scale artillery bombardments
(d) Reliance on superior airpower

6. Agent Orange was:
(a) A powerful antibiotic used to treat soldiers’ wounds
(b) A defoliant used to clear jungle hiding places
(c) A nerve agent used in chemical warfare
(d) A nickname for American soldiers

7. The Tet Offensive in 1968 was a turning point in the war because:
(a) It resulted in a major US victory
(b) It showed the limitations of US military power
(c) It led to the withdrawal of all US troops
(d) It convinced the American public of victory

8. The anti-war movement in the US gained momentum due to:
(a) Government censorship of news coverage
(b) Growing public disillusionment with the war’s progress
(c) Strong support for the draft
(d) Propaganda promoting the war’s benefits

9. What was the policy of “Vietnamization”?
(a) Increasing US troop commitment in Vietnam
(b) Gradually transferring the war effort to South Vietnam
(c) Negotiating a peace treaty with North Vietnam
(d) Launching a full-scale invasion of North Vietnam

10. The Pentagon Papers were:
(a) A secret peace plan proposed by North Vietnam
(b) A leaked classified US government study on the Vietnam War
(c) Anti-war protest pamphlets distributed on college campuses
(d) North Vietnamese propaganda leaflets dropped on South Vietnamese villages

11. The fall of Saigon in 1975 marked:
(a) The beginning of US involvement in the Vietnam War
(b) The escalation of the war into Laos and Cambodia
(c) The final US victory in Vietnam
(d) A temporary truce between the North and South

12.What was the name of the peace treaty that officially ended the Vietnam War?
(a) The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
(b) The Paris Peace Accords
(c) The Pentagon Papers
(d) The Domino Theory

13. Which colony did France lose control of after the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954?
(a) Cambodia
(b) Laos
(c) Vietnam
(d) Thailand

14. The theory that the spread of communism would resemble falling dominoes is known as the:
(a) Domino Theory
(b) Containment Policy
(c) Monroe Doctrine
(d) Marshall Plan

15. A key tactic used by U.S. forces in Vietnam was the use of:
(a) Chemical weapons (Agent Orange)
(b) Large-scale, open battles
(c) Guerilla warfare tactics (incorrect; NLF tactic)
(d) Air superiority and bombing campaigns

16. What was a major anti-war protest tactic?
(a) Boycotts of American companies
(b) Large-scale marches and demonstrations
(c) Assassination attempts on political figures
(d) Enlistment in the U.S. military

17. Which group of people often faced violence and suspicion during the war?
(a) African Americans serving in the military
(b) Anti-war protestors (also faced violence)
(c) Vietnamese Americans
(d) European diplomats

18. Which president oversaw the escalation of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War?
(a) Dwight D. Eisenhower
(b) John F. Kennedy
(c) Lyndon B. Johnson
(d) Richard Nixon

19. The My Lai massacre was a war crime committed by:
(a) North Vietnamese soldiers
(b) U.S. soldiers
(c) South Vietnamese troops
(d) Viet Cong guerillas

20. The Vietnam War was a proxy war between which two superpowers?
(a) United States and China
(b) United States and Soviet Union
(c) Great Britain and France
(d) France and Japan

The Vietnam War Quiz Questions with Answers

1. Ho Chi Minh, the leader of North Vietnam, was known for being:
(b) A nationalist and communist leader

2. The guerilla fighters fighting alongside North Vietnam were known as the:
(b) Viet Cong

3. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1964:
(b) Gave the president broad war powers in Southeast Asia

4. What was the name of the strategic supply route used by North Vietnam to transport troops and supplies?
(a) Ho Chi Minh Trail

5. Guerilla warfare tactics used by the Viet Cong included:
(b) Booby traps and surprise attacks

6. Agent Orange was:
(b) A defoliant used to clear jungle hiding places

7. The Tet Offensive in 1968 was a turning point in the war because:
(b) It showed the limitations of US military power

8. The anti-war movement in the US gained momentum due to:
(b) Growing public disillusionment with the war’s progress

9. What was the policy of “Vietnamization”?
(b) Gradually transferring the war effort to South Vietnam

10. The Pentagon Papers were:
(b) A leaked classified US government study on the Vietnam War

11. The fall of Saigon in 1975 marked:
(c) The final US victory in Vietnam

12.What was the name of the peace treaty that officially ended the Vietnam War?
(b) The Paris Peace Accords

13. Which colony did France lose control of after the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954?
(c) Vietnam

14. The theory that the spread of communism would resemble falling dominoes is known as the:
(a) Domino Theory

15. A key tactic used by U.S. forces in Vietnam was the use of:
(d) Air superiority and bombing campaigns

16. What was a major anti-war protest tactic?
(b) Large-scale marches and demonstrations

17. Which group of people often faced violence and suspicion during the war?
(c) Vietnamese Americans

18. Which president oversaw the escalation of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War?
(b) John F. Kennedy

19. The My Lai massacre was a war crime committed by:
(b) U.S. soldiers

20. The Vietnam War was a proxy war between which two superpowers?
(b) United States and Soviet Union