The Merchant of Venice Quiz

The Merchant of Venice Quiz Questions

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1. What is the main reason for Antonio’s sadness at the beginning of the play?
(a) He has lost a large sum of money.
(b) He is concerned about his ships.
(c) He is in love with Portia.
(d) He is worried about his friend, Bassanio.

2. Why does Bassanio need a loan from Antonio?
(a) To purchase a new ship.
(b) To pay off his gambling debts.
(c) To marry Portia.
(d) To invest in a new business.

3. What is the unusual condition of Shylock’s loan to Antonio?
(a) Antonio must repay the loan with interest.
(b) Antonio must give Shylock a pound of flesh.
(c) Antonio must sell his house.
(d) Antonio must work for Shylock.

4. How does Portia’s father determine her suitor?
(a) By a riddle.
(b) By a duel.
(c) By a lottery.
(d) By a casket test.

5. What is the significance of the inscription “Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire”?
(a) It is the wrong choice.
(b) It is the correct choice.
(c) It is a trick.
(d) It is a riddle.

6. What is the name of the city where the play primarily takes place?
(a) Rome
(b) Venice
(c) Florence
(d) London

7. Who is the disguised woman who helps Antonio in his legal case against Shylock?
(a) Jessica
(b) Portia
(c) Nerissa
(d) Gratiano

8. What is the outcome of the trial between Antonio and Shylock?
(a) Shylock wins the case.
(b) Antonio wins the case.
(c) The case is a tie.
(d) The case is dismissed.

9. What happens to Shylock at the end of the play?
(a) He is exiled from Venice.
(b) He is executed.
(c) He is imprisoned.
(d) He is forgiven.

10. What is the main theme of “The Merchant of Venice”?
(a) The power of love.
(b) The importance of friendship.
(c) The dangers of prejudice.
(d) The value of money.

11. Who is the friend who accompanies Bassanio to Belmont?
(a) Gratiano
(b) Lorenzo
(c) Salerio
(d) Solanio

12. What is the name of Shylock’s daughter?
(a) Jessica
(b) Portia
(c) Nerissa
(d) Ophelia

13. Who are the main characters in “The Merchant of Venice”?
(a) Antonio, Bassanio, Portia, Shylock
(b) Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, Tybalt
(c) Hamlet, Ophelia, Claudius, Polonius
(d) Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Duncan, Banquo

14. What is the name of the casket that contains Portia’s portrait?
(a) Gold
(b) Silver
(c) Lead
(d) Marble

15. What is the name of the famous speech that Shylock delivers?
(a) “To be or not to be”
(b) “Friends, Romans, countrymen”
(c) “Hath not a Jew eyes?”
(d) “Give me your hand”

16. What is the name of the musical instrument played by Lorenzo and Jessica?
(a) Guitar
(b) Lute
(c) Violin
(d) Harp

17. What is the name of the city where Portia lives?
(a) Belmont
(b) Venice
(c) Florence
(d) Rome

18. What is the name of the character who is often seen as a comic relief in the play?
(a) Gobbo
(b) Gratiano
(c) Salerio
(d) Solanio

19. What is the setting of “The Merchant of Venice”?
(a) Ancient Greece
(b) Renaissance Italy
(c) Medieval England
(d) The American West

20. What is the name of the court where the trial between Antonio and Shylock takes place?
(a) The Supreme Court
(b) The Court of Appeals
(c) The Court of Chancery
(d) The Duke’s Court

21. What is the name of the disguised servant who accompanies Portia to Venice?
(a) Nerissa
(b) Jessica
(c) Gratiano
(d) Lorenzo

22. What is the name of the ring that Portia gives to Bassanio?
(a) The Wedding Ring
(b) The Engagement Ring
(c) The Friendship Ring
(d) The Promise Ring

23. Who is the wise and loyal friend of Antonio and Bassanio?
(a) Gratiano
(b) Salerio
(c) Solanio
(d) Lorenzo

24. Who is the “Merchant of Venice”?
(a) Portia
(b) Shylock
(c) Antonio
(d) Bassanio

25. Which casket does Bassanio choose?
(a) Gold
(b) Silver
(c) Lead
(d) None of the above

The Merchant of Venice Quiz Questions with Answers

1. What is the main reason for Antonio’s sadness at the beginning of the play?
(b) He is concerned about his ships.

2. Why does Bassanio need a loan from Antonio?
(c) To marry Portia.

3. What is the unusual condition of Shylock’s loan to Antonio?
(b) Antonio must give Shylock a pound of flesh.

4. How does Portia’s father determine her suitor?
(d) By a casket test.

5. What is the significance of the inscription “Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire”?
(a) It is the wrong choice.

6. What is the name of the city where the play primarily takes place?
(b) Venice

7. Who is the disguised woman who helps Antonio in his legal case against Shylock?
(b) Portia

8. What is the outcome of the trial between Antonio and Shylock?
(b) Antonio wins the case.

9. What happens to Shylock at the end of the play?
(a) He is exiled from Venice.

10. What is the main theme of “The Merchant of Venice”?
(c) The dangers of prejudice.

11. Who is the friend who accompanies Bassanio to Belmont?
(a) Gratiano

12. What is the name of Shylock’s daughter?
(a) Jessica

13. Who are the main characters in “The Merchant of Venice”?
(a) Antonio, Bassanio, Portia, Shylock

14. What is the name of the casket that contains Portia’s portrait?
(c) Lead

15. What is the name of the famous speech that Shylock delivers?
(c) “Hath not a Jew eyes?”

16. What is the name of the musical instrument played by Lorenzo and Jessica?
(b) Lute

17. What is the name of the city where Portia lives?
(a) Belmont

18. What is the name of the character who is often seen as a comic relief in the play?
(a) Gobbo

19. What is the setting of “The Merchant of Venice”?
(b) Renaissance Italy

20. What is the name of the court where the trial between Antonio and Shylock takes place?
(d) The Duke’s Court

21. What is the name of the disguised servant who accompanies Portia to Venice?
(a) Nerissa

22. What is the name of the ring that Portia gives to Bassanio?
(a) The Wedding Ring

23. Who is the wise and loyal friend of Antonio and Bassanio?
(d) Lorenzo

24. Who is the “Merchant of Venice”?
(c) Antonio

25. Which casket does Bassanio choose?
(c) Lead