The Flash Quiz

The Flash Quiz

The Flash Quiz Questions

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1. What is Barry Allen’s occupation before becoming The Flash?
(a) Doctor
(b) Lawyer
(c) Forensic scientist
(d) Teacher

2. What is the name of the particle accelerator that gives Barry his powers?
(a) Wayne Enterprises Accelerator
(b) Queen Consolidated Reactor
(c) S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator
(d) LexCorp Energy Generator

3. Who is Barry’s adoptive father?
(a) Joe West
(b) Harrison Wells
(c) Henry Allen
(d) Cisco Ramon

4. Who is Barry’s childhood best friend and later wife?
(a) Caitlin Snow
(b) Felicity Smoak
(c) Iris West-Allen
(d) Linda Park

5. Who is the Reverse-Flash in season 1?
(a) Hunter Zolomon
(b) Eobard Thawne
(c) Leonard Snart
(d) Clifford DeVoe

6. What is Cisco Ramon’s superhero name?
(a) Heat Wave
(b) Captain Cold
(c) Vibe
(d) Weather Wizard

7. What is Caitlin Snow’s alter ego?
(a) Black Canary
(b) Killer Frost
(c) White Canary
(d) Huntress

8. Who is also known as Zoom?
(a) Eobard Thawne
(b) Hunter Zolomon
(c) Savitar
(d) Godspeed

9. What is the name of Harrison Wells’ daughter from Earth-2?
(a) Nora Allen
(b) Jesse Quick
(c) Patty Spivot
(d) Cecile Horton

10. Who is the speedster that becomes a self made god?
(a) Zoom
(b) Reverse Flash
(c) Savitar
(d) Godspeed

11. What is the name of the villain known as “The Thinker”?
(a) Leonard Snart
(b) Mark Mardon
(c) Clifford DeVoe
(d) Hartley Rathaway

12. What is the name of Barry and Iris’s daughter from the future?
(a) Dawn Allen
(b) Jenni Ognats
(c) Nora West-Allen
(d) Bart Allen

13. What is the name of the speedster that Barry fights that has white lighting?
(a) Zoom
(b) Reverse Flash
(c) Savitar
(d) Lightning

14. What is the name of the criminal that wields a cold gun?
(a) Heat Wave
(b) Captain Cold
(c) Weather Wizard
(d) Trickster

15. What is the name of the criminal that wields a heat gun?
(a) Heat Wave
(b) Captain Cold
(c) Weather Wizard
(d) Trickster

16. What is the name of the meta human that can manipulate the weather?
(a) Heat Wave
(b) Captain Cold
(c) Weather Wizard
(d) Trickster

17. What is the name of the criminal that is known for using pranks and bombs?
(a) Heat Wave
(b) Captain Cold
(c) Weather Wizard
(d) Prank

18. What is the name of the gorilla that has super intelligence?
(a) King Kong
(b) Donkey Kong
(c) Gorilla Grodd
(d) George of the Jungle

19. What is the name of the city that The Flash protects?
(a) Star City
(b) National City
(c) Central City
(d) Gotham City

20. What is the name of the coffee shop that Barry and his friends frequent?
(a) CC Jitters
(b) Big Belly Burger
(c) Daily Planet Cafe
(d) Noonan’s

21. Which actor plays The Flash?
(a) Stephen Amell
(b) Grant Gustin
(c) Melissa Benoist
(d) Caity Lotz

22. Who plays Iris West-Allen?
(a) Danielle Panabaker
(b) Candice Patton
(c) Katie Cassidy
(d) Emily Bett Rickards

23. Who plays Cisco Ramon?
(a) Carlos Valdes
(b) Tom Cavanagh
(c) Jesse L. Martin
(d) Keiynan Lonsdale

24. Who plays Caitlin Snow?
(a) Candice Patton
(b) Danielle Panabaker
(c) Juliana Harkavy
(d) Chyler Leigh

25. Who is the creator of “The Flash”?
(a) Steven Spielberg and David Lynch
(b) Martin Scorsese and Orson Welles
(c) Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns
(d) Woody Allen and Bradley Cooper

The Flash Quiz Questions with Answers

1. What is Barry Allen’s occupation before becoming The Flash?
(c) Forensic scientist

2. What is the name of the particle accelerator that gives Barry his powers?
(c) S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator

3. Who is Barry’s adoptive father?
(a) Joe West

4. Who is Barry’s childhood best friend and later wife?
(c) Iris West-Allen

5. Who is the Reverse-Flash in season 1?
(b) Eobard Thawne

6. What is Cisco Ramon’s superhero name?
(c) Vibe

7. What is Caitlin Snow’s alter ego?
(b) Killer Frost

8. Who is also known as Zoom?
(b) Hunter Zolomon

9. What is the name of Harrison Wells’ daughter from Earth-2?
(b) Jesse Quick

10. Who is the speedster that becomes a self made god?
(c) Savitar

11. What is the name of the villain known as “The Thinker”?
(c) Clifford DeVoe

12. What is the name of Barry and Iris’s daughter from the future?
(c) Nora West-Allen

13. What is the name of the speedster that Barry fights that has white lighting?
(d) Lightning

14. What is the name of the criminal that wields a cold gun?
(b) Captain Cold

15. What is the name of the criminal that wields a heat gun?
(a) Heat Wave

16. What is the name of the meta human that can manipulate the weather?
(c) Weather Wizard

17. What is the name of the criminal that is known for using pranks and bombs?
(d) Prank

18. What is the name of the gorilla that has super intelligence?
(c) Gorilla Grodd

19. What is the name of the city that The Flash protects?
(c) Central City

20. What is the name of the coffee shop that Barry and his friends frequent?
(a) CC Jitters

21. Which actor plays The Flash?
(b) Grant Gustin

22. Who plays Iris West-Allen?
(b) Candice Patton

23. Who plays Cisco Ramon?
(a) Carlos Valdes

24. Who plays Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost?
(b) Danielle Panabaker

25. Who is the creator of “The Flash”?
(c) Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns