Tennessee Quiz

1. Which state is to the east of Tennessee?
  • Correct Answer: North Carolina

2. Who was Tennessee’s first governor?
  • Correct Answer: John Sevier

3. What is the motto of Tennessee?
  • Correct Answer: Agriculture and commerce

4. Which is the capital of Tennessee?
  • Correct Answer: Nashville

5. Who designed Tennessee’s flag?
  • Correct Answer: LeRoy Reeves

6. Which is Tennessee’s state bird?
  • Correct Answer: Mockingbird

7. Which is Tennessee’s state flower?
  • Correct Answer: Iris

8. Which is Tennessee’s state tree?
  • Correct Answer: Tulip Poplar

9. Which is the highest point in Tennessee?
  • Correct Answer: Clingmans Dome

10. Who was convicted in Dayton in 1925 for teaching the theory of evolution?
  • Correct Answer: John Scopes