Tag: who is the first pope

Poland Quiz

57e7d04b4256af14f1dc8460962a3f7f1d37d8f85257714a7c267edd924c 640 Poland Flag
1) Who is the first pope from Poland? a) Paul VI b) John Paul I c) John Paul II d) Benedict XIV 2) Which countries annexed Poland in 1939? a) Austria and Italy b) Germany and Italy c) Italy and Turkey d) Germany and USSR 3) Who was the leader of Solidarity? a) Lech Walesa b) Wojciech Jarulzeski c) Karol Wojtyla d) Yuri Andropov

Brazil Quiz

Flag of Brazil
1) How many times Brazil has won the Football World Cup? a) One b) Two c) Three d) Five 2) What is the real name of Pele? a) Tele Santana b) Edson Arantes do Nascimento c) Roberto Carlos d) Mario Kempes 3) Which of the following rivers flows in Brazil? a) Amazon b) Nile c) Mississippi d) Cauvery