Tag: university of bologna

Nicolaus Copernicus Quiz

Nikolaus Kopernikus
1) Where did Nicolaus Copernicus study liberal arts? a) University of Paris b) Berlin University c) University of Krakow d) University of Kiev 2) What did Nicolaus Copernicus study at Padua? a) History b) Geography c) Physics d) Medicine 3) Who was the principal astronomer at the University of Bologna when Nicolaus Copernicus studied there? a) Domenico Maria de Novara b) Johann Muller c) Giovanni Pico della Mirandola d) John Wycliff

Gregory XV Quiz

Pope Gregory XV
1. When was Alessandro Ludovici born? a) 1 May 1563 b) 9 January 1554 c) 12 June 1552 d) 7 November 1546 2. Where was Alessandro Ludovici born? a) Mantua b) Bologna c) Avignon d) Lausanne 3. From which university did Alessandro Ludovici graduate in civil and canon law? a) University of Bologna b) University of Pisa c) University of Padua d) St. Thomas University