Tag: United Kingdom

United Kingdom Quiz

1) United Kingdom was formed in which year? a) 1603 b) 1707 c) 1837 d) 1945 2) Who was the monarch of United Kingdom from 1837 to 1901? a) George III b) Elizabeth I c) Mary d) Victoria 3) Who is the first woman Prime Minister of United Kingdom? a) Margaret Thatcher b) TansuCiller c) Golda Meir d) Agatha Christie 4) The monarch of United Kingdom is not the monarch of which country? a) South Africa b) Canada c) Australia d) New Zealand

George VI Quiz

1. When did George VI become king of UK? a) 11 December 1936 b) 19 August 1938 c) 6 May 1920 d) 3 February 1911 2. When was George VI born? a) 9 March 1901 b) 4 July 1876 c) 14 December 1895 d) 27 April 1888 3. Where was George VI born? a) Bombay b) London c) Sandringham d) Frankfurt

Winston Churchill Quiz

1) Which of the following colleges did Winston Churchill attend? a) Trinity College, Carmarthen b) King’s College, London c) Royal Military College, Sandhurst d) The Royal College of Music, London 2) During which war Winston Churchill was a journalist? a) Boer War b) Balkan War I c) World War I d) Balkan War II 3) To which newspaper Winston Churchill send military reports when he was in the army? a) The Times b) Guardian c) Daily Telegraph d) Frontier Mail

J M W Turner Quiz

Joseph Mallord William Turner Quiz Questions with Answers 1. When was Joseph Mallord William Turner born? a) 4 March 1778 b) 23 April 1775 c) 16 September 1773 d) 4 October 1771 2. Where was Joseph Mallord William Turner born? a) Egremont b) Brentford c) London d) Petworth 3. When did Joseph Mallord William Turner paint Fisherman at Sea? a) 1794 b) 1796 c) 1792 d) 1788

Harold Wilson Quiz

1. When was Harold Wilson’s first term as Prime Minister of UK? a) 1964-1970 b) 1950-1959 c) 1946-1948 d) 1977-1981 2. When was Harold Wilson born? a) 14 April 1896 b) 11 March 1916 c) 14 July 1902 d) 3 November 1911 3. Where was Harold Wilson born? a) Durham b) York c) Leicester d) Huddersfield

David Livingstone Quiz

1. When was David Livingstone born? a) 19 March 1813 b) 17 June 1810 c) 1 September 1802 d) 5 December 1816 2. Where was David Livingstone born? a) Aberdeen b) Blantyre c) Glasgow d) Edinburgh 3. When did David Livingstone join the London Missionary Society? a) 1852 b) 1846 c) 1838 d) 1832

William IV Quiz

1) When did William IV become the King of UK? a) 12 January 1820 b) 26 June 1830 c) 5 July 1826 d) 3 November 1832 2) When was William IV born? a) 12 February 1760 b) 14 May 1750 c) 21 August 1765 d) 11 November 1768 3) Where was William IV born? a) Bristol b) Dublin c) London d) Edinburgh

Thomas Gainsborough Quiz

Thomas Gainsborough Quiz Questions and Answers/ 1. When was Thomas Gainsborough baptized? a) 1 January 1734 b) 14 May 1727 c) 15 July 1723 d) 5 October 1716 2. Where was Thomas Gainsborough baptized? a) Sudbury b) Ipswich c) Bath d) Plymouth 3. To which painter was Thomas Gainsborough an assistant? a) Hubert Gravelot b) Anthony Van Dyke c) Gaspard Dughet d) Claude Lorrain

Robert Cecil Quiz

1. When was Robert Cecil first Prime Minister of UK? a) 1885-1886 b) 1875-1876 c) 1912-1914 d) 1939-1945 2. When was Robert Cecil born? a) 3 February 1830 b) 11 March 1826 c) 14 July 1822 d) 3 November 1821 3. Where was Robert Cecil born? a) Chester b) Winchester c) Leicester d) Hatfield

Oliver Cromwell Quiz

1. When was Oliver Cromwell lord protector of England, Scotland and Ireland? a) 1603-1625 b) 1625-1649 c) 1653-1658 d) 1661-1685 2. When was Oliver Cromwell born? a) 9 January 1601 b) 25 April 1599 c) 10 July 1598 d) 1 October 1602 3. Where was Oliver Cromwell born? a) Huntingdon b) York c) Jersey d) Cheshire