Tag: Trivia Quiz Questions

Uranus Quiz

1) Who discovered Uranus? a) Gerard Kuiper b) Pervical Lowell c) William Herschel d) James Watt 2) John Flamsteed saw Uranus in 1690 and he thought it to be a star. What did he call it? a) Alpha Centauri b) Proxima Centauri c) 34 Tauri d) 24 Gauri 3) What did William Herschel name Uranus? a) Albertum Sidus b) Georgium Sidus c) Henrium Sidus d) Edwardum Sidus

Louis XVI Quiz

1) When did Louis XVI become the King of France? a) 15 March 1758 b) 10 May 1774 c) 8 July 1776 d) 9 December 1778 2) When was Louis XVI born? a) 19 January 1733 b) 25 May 1742 c) 23 August 1754 d) 30 November 1762 3) Where was Louis XVI born? a) Brussels b) Rome c) London d) Versailles

List of Surahs

1. Al-Fatihah (the Opening) 2. Al-Baqarah (the Cow) 3. Aali Imran (the Family of Imran) 4. An-Nisa’ (the Women) 5. Al-Ma’idah (the Table) 6. Al-An’am (the Cattle) 7. Al-A’raf (the Heights) 8. Al-Anfal (the Spoils of War) 9. At-Taubah (the Repentance) 10. Yunus (Yunus)

Robert James Fischer Quiz

(This quiz is about chess player Robert James Fischer, popularly known as Bobby Fischer.) 1. When was Robert James Fischer born? a) 9 March 1943 b) 16 April 1936 c) 9 September 1938 d) 24 October 1942 2. Where was Robert James Fischer born? a) Albertville b) Chicago c) Double Springs d) Jasper 3. When did Robert James Fischer first win American championship? a) 1948 b) 1952 c) 1956 d) 1958

World Chess Championship 2008 Quiz

1) Where was World Chess Championship 2008 held? a) Bonn b) Delhi c) Moscow d) London 2) How many games were to be played to decide the champion in World Chess Championship 2008? a) 25 b) 32 c) 27 d) 48 3) When was the first game of World Chess Championship 2008 played? a) 23 September 2008 b) 30 September 2008 c) 2 October 2008 d) 14 October 2008

Dante Alighieri Quiz

1) Divine Comedy, originally known as Comedy, is the most famous book written by Dante Alighieri. Which of the following is not a canticle of Divine Comedy? a) Inferno b) Limbo c) Paradisio d) Purgatorio 2) When was Dante Alighieri born? a) 1248 b) 1260 c) 1265 d) 1270 3) Where was Dante Alighieri born? a) Venice b) Florence c) Naples d) Genoa

Chess Quiz

1) How many squares are on a chess board? a) 72 b) 12 c) 32 d) 64 2) What is number of black pieces in chess? a) 16 b) 24 c) 36 d) 48 3) What is number of white pawns in chess? a) 4 b) 2 c) 6 d) 8

Anno Domini Quiz

1. What is Anno Domini? a) After Death b) Happy Year c) New Year d) Year of the Lord 2. On whose birth Anno Domini is based? a) Julius Caesar b) Cleopatra c) Confucius d) Jesus Christ 3. What does B. C. mean in relation to Anno Domini? a) Before Caesar b) Before Cleopatra c) Before Confucius d) Before Christ

Turkey Quiz

1) Which sea is to the north of Turkey? a) North Sea b) Black Sea c) Caspian Sea d) Dead Sea 2) When did the Turks conquer Constantinople? a) 1260 b) 1425 c) 1453 d) 1526 3) How was Turkey known in the beginning of the 20th century? a) Guardian of Europe b) Leader of Europe c) Sick man of Europe d) Playground of Europe

Percy Bysshe Shelley Quiz

1) When was Percy Bysshe Shelley born? a) 31 January 1786 b) 4 August 1792 c) 4 May 1794 d) 19 December 1784 2) Where was Percy Bysshe Shelley born? a) Connaught Place b) Field Place c) Ashoka Place d) Nehru Place 3) Which university expelled Percy Bysshe Shelley? a) Cambridge b) Oxford c) Paris d) Berlin