Tag: Trivia Quiz Questions

Bible Quizzes | Aaron Quiz

Aaron Quiz Questions 1. Who was Aaron’s father? a) Amram b) Nashon c) Aminadab d) Mishael 2. Who was Aaron’s mother? a) Abigail b) Dinah c) Jochebed d) Esther 3. Who was Aaron’s brother? a) Samson b) Moses c) Joshua d) Ner

Gregory XIII Quiz

Pope Gregory XIII, portrait by Lavinia Fontana (Photo credit: Wikipedia) (Gregory XIII is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) Gregory XIII Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. When was Ugo Buoncompagni born? a) 7 January 1502 b) 12 April 1500 c) 9 September 1498 d) 14 December 1504 2. Where was Ugo Buoncompagni born? a) Amiens b) Bologna c) Rocca Secca d) Madrid 3. From which university did Ugo Buoncompagni graduate in civil and canon law? a) University of Bologna b) Sorbonne University c) University of Padua d) St. Thomas University 4. Of ... Read more

Bible Quizzes | Moses Quiz

1) Who is the sister of Moses? a) Ruth c) Naomi c) Miriam d) Delilah 2) Who is the brother of Moses? a) Nadab b) Abihu c) Aaron d) Joshua 3) Where did God speak to Moses for the first time? a) Near Nile River b) At burning bush c) Giza d) Palestine

Frederick Barbarossa Quiz

(Frederick Barbarossa is also known as Frederick I.) 1. When was Frederick Barbarossa first elected German king and Holy Roman Emperor? a) 4 March 1152 b) 10 May 1151 c) 26 July 1145 d) 18 December 1148 2. Which concordat did Frederick Barbarossa violate? a) Concordat of Bologna b) Concordat of Tonsberg c) Concordat of Worms d) Concordat of Zurich 3. Who crowned Frederick Barbarossa emperor on 18 June 1155? a) Eugene III b) Lucius II c) Celestine V d) Adrian IV

St. Joan of Arc Quiz

1) Which is the probable date of birth of St. Joan of Arc? a) 6 January 1412 b) 4 February 1414 c) 3 March 1416 d) 7 May 1417 2) Where was St. Joan of Arc born? a) Bedford b) Domremy c) Chinon d) Sussex 3) Whom did St. Joan of Arc support? a) Henry V b) James II c) William IV d) Charles VII

Easter Quiz

1) Which event related to Jesus is celebrated on Easter Sunday? a) Baptism b) Transfiguration c) Resurrection d) Ascension 2) Who entered the tomb of Jesus first? a) John b) Andrew c) Peter d) Levy 3) Who said “My Lord and my God.” when he saw the risen Jesus? a) Nathaniel b) Thomas c) Matthias d) Stephen 4) Who mistook the risen Jesus for gardener? a) Joanna b) Mary, mother of James c) Mary Magdalene d) Cleophas

St. Christopher Quiz

(This quiz is based on legends. The events may not be historically accurate.) 1) What is the meaning of Christopher? a) Christ the King b) Christ the Redeemer c) Christ carrier d) Christ the Saviour 2) When is the feast day of St. Christopher? (His feast was removed from the universal calendar in 1969 by the Vatican but continues in local calendars.) a) 19 March b) 14 July c) 25 July d) 28 August 3) What was Reprobus (Offero) doing to help people? a) Giving them money b) Giving them food c) Giving them shelter d) Carrying across the river

Innocent V Quiz

(Innocent V is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 1. Where was Pierre De Tarentaise born? a) Nantes b) Amiens c) Somma d) Tarentaise 2. Which order did Pierre De Tarentaise join? a) Carmelite b) Dominican c) Franciscan d) Benedictine 3. Which university did Pierre De Tarentaise attend? a) Pavia b) Paris c) Padua d) Pisa

Roman Missal 2011 Quiz

The Roman Missal is the liturgical book that contains the prayers and rubrics for the celebration of the Mass in the Roman Catholic Church. Roman Missal 2011 Quiz Questions 1. When did Roman Missal 2011 come into effect? a) 1 January 2011 b) 25 April 2011 c) 16 September 2011 d) 27 November 2011 2. What is the response to “The Lord be with you.” in Roman Missal 2011? a) And also with you. b) And with your spirit. c) And grant us your salvation. d) Show us your mercy. 3. Which words, instead of “peace to his people on ... Read more

St. Charles Borromeo Quiz

1) When was St. Charles Borromeo born? a) 14 February 1522 b) 2 October 1538 c) 6 April 1524 d) 21 June 1535 2) Where was St. Charles Borromeo born? a) Arona b) Trieste c) Berne d) Paris 3) What name was taken by St. Charles Borromeo’s uncle Giovanni Angelo de Medici when he became pope in 1559? a) Martin V b) Pius IX c) Leo XII d) Pius IV 4) When was St. Charles Borromeo created cardinal? a) 7 March 1531 b) 31 January 1560 c) 22 April 1544 d) 17 October 1568