Tag: Trivia Quiz Questions and Answers

Pearl Buck Quiz

1. What was Pearl Buck’s original name? a) Gina Harrison b) Pearl Comfort Sydenstricker c) Jane Seymour d) Victoria Crawford 2. When was Pearl Buck born? a) 10 February 1889 b) 26 June 1892 c) 11 July 1894 d) 17 November 1896 3. Where was Pearl Buck born? a) Peking b) Hillsboro c) Canton d) Tokyo

Richard Nixon Quiz

1) When was Richard Nixon first sworn in as President of USA? a) 20 January 1969 b) 4 November 1968 c) 20 January 1957 d) 4 March 1969 2) Where was Richard Nixon born? a) Reno b) Denver c) San Diego d) Yorba Linda 3) Which college did Richard Nixon attend? a) Whittier College b) Bethany College c) Christ College d) St. John’s College

Pedro Alvares Cabral Quiz

1. Where was Pedro Alvares Cabral born? a) Belmonte b) Sines c) Lisbon d) Venice 2. When did Pedro Alvares Cabral begin his voyage to India? a) 9 March 1500 b) 17 May 1496 c) 14 July 1521 d) 7 December 1526 3. Who of the following explorers accompanied Pedro Alvares Cabral in his voyage to India? a) Bartholomeu Dias b) Christopher Columbus c) Ferdinand Magellan d) Vasco da Gama

Arthur Conan Doyle Quiz

1. When was Arthur Conan Doyle born? a) 31 March 1854 b) 22 May 1859 c) 25 September 1857 d) 30 December 1855 2. Where was Arthur Conan Doyle born? a) Edinburgh b) Glasgow c) Aberdeen d) Dundee 3. When did Arthur Conan Doyle receive doctorate in medicine? a) 1880 b) 1874 c) 1885 d) 1882

List of 50 states of United States of America, their capitals, abbreviations and nicknames

No. States Capitals Abbreviations Nicknames 1 Alabama Montgomery AL Yellowhammer State 2 Alaska Juneau AK Last Frontier 3 Arizona Phoenix AZ Grand Canyon State 4 Arkansas Little Rock AR Natural State 5 California Sacramento CA Golden State 6 Colorado Denver CO Centennial State 7 Connecticut Hartford CT Constitution State

Squirrel Quiz

1) What is the number of toes in a front foot of a squirrel? a) Three b) Four c) Five d) Six 2) How far can a squirrel jump? a) 20 feet b) 10 feet c) 15 feet d) 30 feet 3) Which is the class of squirrel? a) Amphibia b) Mammalia c) Gastropoda d) Chondrichthyes

Walter Norman Haworth Quiz

Walter Norman Haworth Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When did Walter Norman Haworth win Nobel Prize for Chemistry? a) 1934 b) 1942 c) 1937 d) 1946 2. When was Walter Norman Haworth born? a) 19 March 1883 b) 4 April 1880 c) 3 July 1882 d) 9 December 1878 3. Where was Walter Norman Haworth born? a) Haworth b) Chorley c) Durham d) Bradford

Solomon Islands Quiz

1. When did Solomon Islands become independent? a) 22 January 1949 b) 26 May 1966 c) 7 July 1978 d) 30 November 1975 2. Who was the first European to reach Solomon Islands? a) Christopher Columbus b) Ferdinand Magellan c) Alvaro de Mendana de Neira d) James Cook 3. Which is the capital of Solomon Islands? a) Buala b) Honiara c) Inakona d) Tulagi

Argentina Quiz

Argentina Quiz Questions 1) Who is the first woman to be elected as the President of Argentina? a) Corazin Aquino b) Eva Peron c) Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner d) Isabella Peron 2) Which islands are known as Islas Malvinas in Argentina? a) Virgin Islands b) Maldives c) Falkland Islands d) Channel Islands 3) Who was the President of Argentina during its war with UK in 1982? a) Juan Peron b) Carlos Menem c) Leopoldo Galtieri d) Raul Alfonsin

United Kingdom Quiz

1) United Kingdom was formed in which year? a) 1603 b) 1707 c) 1837 d) 1945 2) Who was the monarch of United Kingdom from 1837 to 1901? a) George III b) Elizabeth I c) Mary d) Victoria 3) Who is the first woman Prime Minister of United Kingdom? a) Margaret Thatcher b) TansuCiller c) Golda Meir d) Agatha Christie 4) The monarch of United Kingdom is not the monarch of which country? a) South Africa b) Canada c) Australia d) New Zealand