Tag: Solar System
Venus Quiz
1) Who is Venus in mythology? a) God of justice b) Goddess of love c) God of wind d) God of storm 2) How is Venus sometimes referred to? (This is one of the two common references.) a) Morning Star b) Yellow Star c) Noon Star d) Blue Star 3) What is the number of Venus’ satellites? a) One b) Two c) Zero d) Three
Pluto Quiz
1) Who discovered Pluto? a) Nicholas Copernicus b) Galileo Galilei c) Johannes Kepler d) Clyde Tombaugh 2) When was Pluto discovered? a) 1930 b) 1900 c) 1850 d) 1630 3) How many years does Pluto take to orbit the Sun? a) 160 b) 184 c) 248 d) 512
Neptune Quiz
1) Who are credited with the discovery of Neptune? a) Adams and Le Verrier b) Hubble and Slipher c) Lowell and Kelvin d) Newton and Kepler 2) Galileo had observed Neptune. What did he think of it? a) Satellite b) Meteor c) Asteroid d) Star 3) Which is the outermost ring of Neptune? a) Adams b) Galatea c) Leverrier d) Galle
Mercury Quiz
1) Who is Mercury in mythology? a) God of justice b) God of war c) God of wind d) God of commerce 2) What is the minimum surface temperature of Mercury? a) 72?C b) 0?C c) -10?C d) -173?C 3) What is the maximum surface temperature of Mercury? a) 122?C b) 427?C c) 285?C d) 576?C
Milky Way Quiz
1) What is the Milky Way? a) Galaxy b) Star c) Planet d) Comet 2) How far is the Sun from the centre of the Milky Way? a) 2 light years b) 10 light years c) 2000 light years d) 26000 light years 3) What is the centre of the Milky Way called? a) Centre Point b) Galactic Centre c) Eye of the storm d) Planetary Centre