Tag: Religion

Zoroastrianism Quiz

1) What is the original form of the name Zoroaster? a) Koresh b) Darius c) Reza d) Zarathushtra 2) How long did Zoroaster live? a) 33 years b) 50 years c) 77 years d) 100 years 3) Where did Zoroastrianism originate? a) Syria b) Lebanon c) Iran d) Arabia

Islam Quiz

1) Who is the first prophet in Islam? a) Adam b) Abraham c) Isaac d) Jacob 2) Who is the last prophet in Islam? a) Moses b) Samuel c) David d) Mohammed 3) What is the number of prophets in Islam? a) 1,600 b) 4,000 c) 6,000 d) 1,24,000

St. Henry Quiz

1) When was St. Henry born? a) 5 June 678 b) 12 December 542 c) 6 May 972 d) 7 July 1260 2) Under whom did St. Henry receive education? a) St. Wolfgang b) St. Jerome c) St. Clement d) St. Ambrose 3) When did St. Henry become Duke of Bavaria? a) 995 b) 700 c) 565 d) 732

Theodor Herzl Quiz

1. When was Theodor Herzl born? a) 2 February 1865 b) 2 May 1860 c) 2 September 1861 d) 15 December 1862 2. Where was Theodor Herzl born? a) Budapest b) Jerusalem c) Hebron d) Tel Aviv 3. Which university did Theodor Herzl attend? a) Warsaw b) Moscow c) Vienna d) Oxford

Bible Quizzes | Joseph Quiz

Joseph Quiz Questions and Answers 1. What was Jacob’s gift to Joseph? a) Diamond b) A coat of many colours c) Ruby d) A chariot drawn by seven horses 2. How many stars bowed before Joseph in his dream? a) 12 b) 15 c) 11 d) 16 3. Who prevented his brothers from killing Joseph? a) Dan b) Reuben c) Gad d) Asher

Eugene IV Quiz

1. Where was Gabriello Condulmaro born? a) Corsignano b) Bristol c) Sarzana d) Venice 2. Which monastery did Gabriello Condulmaro join? a) Augustinian b) Capuchin c) Dominican d) Benedictine 3. Of which diocese was Gabriello Condulmaro appointed bishop? a) Albano b) Pisa c) Padua d) Siena

Pius V Quiz

1. When was Antonio Ghislieri born? a) 17 January 1504 b) 21 May 1506 c) 8 August 1496 d) 6 November 1500 2. Where was Antonio Ghislieri born? a) Bosco b) Fano c) Pistoia d) Prague 3. When did Antonio Ghislieri join the Dominicans? a) 1501 b) 1499 c) 1511 d) 1518

Innocent VIII Quiz

1. Where was Giovanni Battista Cibo born? a) Naples b) Florence c) Genoa d) Bologna 2. Of which diocese was Giovanni Battista Cibo bishop in 1467? a) Mantua b) Verona c) Nicastro d) Savona 3. When was Giovanni Battista Cibo created cardinal? a) 5 January 1460 b) 7 May 1473 c) 3 July 1456 d) 8 December 1464

Honorius IV Quiz

(Honorius IV is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 1. Where was Giacomo Savelli born? a) Viterbo b) Rome c) Antioch d) Naples 2. Which pope was granduncle of Giacomo Savelli? a) Honorius III b) Benedict IX c) John V d) Paul VI 3. Where was Giacomo Savelli prefect? a) Syria b) Tuscany c) Lebanon d) Egypt 4. Who created Giacomo Savelli cardinal? a) Leo IX b) Gregory IX c) Urban IV d) Adrian V

Gregory XII Quiz

(Gregory XII is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 1. Where was Angelo Correr born? a) Corsignano b) Venice c) Sarzana d) Verona 2. Of which diocese was Angelo Correr bishop? a) Corsica b) Bologna c) Castello d) Monaco 3. Of which patriarchate was Angelo Correr titular patriarch? a) Antioch b) Constantinople c) Jerusalem d) Alexandria