Tag: Quizzes on USA

Andrew Jackson Quiz

Andrew Jackson
1) Which State did Andrew Jackson represent as its first Congressman? a) N. Carolina b) S. Carolina c) Tennessee d) Florida 2) How many times did Andrew Jackson marry Rachel Donelson? a) Once b) Twice c) Thrice d) Four times 3) Whom did Andrew Jackson kill in a duel? a) Alexander Hamilton b) John Sevier c) Charles Dickinson d) Jesse Benton

Gerald Ford Quiz

Gerald Ford
1) When was Gerald Ford sworn in as President of USA? a) 20 January 1973 b) 4 November 1972 c) 9 August 1974 d) 4 March 1973 2) What was Gerald Ford’s name at the time of his birth? a) Martin Luther King b) Leslie Lynch King c) Michael Robert Morrison d) Jean Jacques Rousseau 3) Where was Gerald Ford born? a) Omaha b) Panama c) Chicago d) Detroit

John Qunicy Adams Quiz

4) Where did John Qunicy Adams marry Louisa Catherine Johnson? a) Braintree b) Washington c) London d) Berlin 5) When was John Qunicy Adams Minister to Russia? a) 1795-1797 b) 1801-1805 c) 1805-1809 d) 1809-1811 6) Who was President when John Qunicy Adams was Secretary of State? a) George Washington b) James Monroe c) Thomas Jefferson d) James Madison

Carl Sandburg Quiz

1. Which book won Carl Sandburg Pulitzer Prize in 1940? a) Good Morning, America b) The People, Yes c) Abraham Lincoln: The War Years d) The American Songbag 2. When was Carl Sandburg born? a) 6 January 1878 b) 9 April 1882 c) 12 July 1876 d) 18 October 1874 3. Where was Carl Sandburg born? a) Milwaukee b) Galesburg c) Pittsburg d) Gary 4. During which war was Carl Sandburg in the army? a) Mexican b) Vietnam c) Spanish-American d) Korean 5. Of which party was Carl Sandburg member? a) Republican b) Social Democratic c) Green d) Conservative