Tag: questions with answers

Ghana Quiz

1. When did Ghana become independent? a) 6 March 1957 b) 26 June 1952 c) 6 July 1964 d) 25 November 1972 2. How was Ghana formerly known? a) Pangaea b) Gondwana c) Gold Coast d) Laurasia 3. Which country is to the east of Ghana? a) Algeria b) Togo c) Sierra Leone d) Namibia

United Kingdom Quiz

1) United Kingdom was formed in which year? a) 1603 b) 1707 c) 1837 d) 1945 2) Who was the monarch of United Kingdom from 1837 to 1901? a) George III b) Elizabeth I c) Mary d) Victoria 3) Who is the first woman Prime Minister of United Kingdom? a) Margaret Thatcher b) TansuCiller c) Golda Meir d) Agatha Christie 4) The monarch of United Kingdom is not the monarch of which country? a) South Africa b) Canada c) Australia d) New Zealand

Elizabeth I Quiz

1. When was Elizabeth I queen of England? a) 1625-1649 b) 1558-1603 c) 1547-1553 d) 1660-1685 2. When was Elizabeth I born? a) 12 January 1600 b) 30 April 1620 c) 7 September 1533 d) 1 November 1511 3. Where was Elizabeth I born? a) Windsor b) Ipswich c) Greenwich d) Plymouth

Paraguay Quiz

1. When did Paraguay become independent? a) 9 March 1794 b) 14 May 1811 c) 12 July 1822 d) 11 December 1840 2. Which country is to the east of Paraguay? a) Ecuador b) Colombia c) Brazil d) Venezuela 3. What is the national motto of Paraguay? a) Equality, liberty, fraternity b) God, union, liberty c) Peace and justice d) We stand with God

Chess Quiz

1) How many squares are on a chess board? a) 72 b) 12 c) 32 d) 64 2) What is number of black pieces in chess? a) 16 b) 24 c) 36 d) 48 3) What is number of white pawns in chess? a) 4 b) 2 c) 6 d) 8

Brunei Quiz

1) When did Brunei become independent? a) 1 January 1984 b) 26 May 1976 c) 11 September1972 d) 26 November 1981 2) Who is the head of state of Brunei? a) Caliph b) Emir c) Nawab d) Sultan 3) Which country is to the east, west and south of Brunei? a) Vietnam b) Laos c) Malaysia d) Cambodia

Botswana Quiz

1) How was Botswana known? a) Bechuanaland b) Nyasaland c) Rhodesia d) Transvaal 2) Which is the capital of Botswana? a) Ghanzi b) Gaborone c) Kanye d) Serowe 3) Which is the currency of Botswana? a) Rand b) Pula c) Pound d) Dollar

Slovakia Quiz

1. When did Slovakia become independent? a) 1 January 1993 b) 24 May 1983 c) 12 September 1949 d) 14 November 1951 2. When did Slovakia join EU and NATO? a) 1961 b) 1954 c) 2004 d) 1945 3. With which country was Slovakia in federation in 1918-1992? a) Belarus b) Czech Republic c) Macedonia d) Ukraine

Cyprus Quiz

Cyprus Quiz Questions 1. When did Cyprus become independent? a) 1 January 1901 b) 14 May 1918 c) 16 August 1960 d) 18 October 1965 2. Which sea surrounds Cyprus? a) Adriatic b) Mediterranean c) Black d) Yellow 3. Which country is to the east of Cyprus? a) Algeria b) Libya c) Morocco d) Syria

Greta Garbo Quiz

Greta Garbo Quiz Questions 1. What was Greta Garbo’s original name? a) Greta Johanna Finnbogadottir b) Greta Lovisa Gustafsson c) Alicia Foster d) Elizabeth Simpson 2. When was Greta Garbo born? a) 14 March 1902 b) 4 May 1909 c) 18 September 1905 d) 28 October 1903 3. Where was Greta Garbo born? a) Stockholm b) Helsinki c) Copenhagen d) Berlin