Tag: questions and answers

Alabama Quiz

Alabama Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Which state is to the north of Alabama? a) Tennessee b) California c) Oregon d) Washington 2. Which state is to the east of Alabama? a) New Mexico b) Georgia c) Texas d) Illinois 3. Which state is to the west of Alabama? a) New Jersey b) Connecticut c) Mississippi d) Delaware

Arkansas Quiz

Arkansas Quiz Questions and Answers 1. Which state is to the north of Arkansas? a) Missouri b) Texas c) Rhode Island d) Maine 2. Which state is to the south of Arkansas? a) Vermont b) Louisiana c) New Jersey d) Wyoming 3. Who founded Arkansas Post? a) Joseph Francois Dupleix b) Charles Joseph Patissier c) Henri de Tonty d) Rene Robert Cavalier

Georgia Quiz

Georgia Quiz Questions and Answers 1. When was Georgia founded? a) 1732 b) 1620 c) 1661 d) 1707 2. Who got the charter for founding Georgia? a) Hernando de Soto b) Rufus Bullock c) James Edward Oglethorpe d) Thomas Watson 3. After whom was Georgia named? a) George I b) George II c) George III d) George IV

Nobel Prize 2012 Quiz

Nobel Prize 2012 Quiz Questions and Answers 1) Who won Nobel Prize 2012 for Medicine? a) Robert Koch b) John Gurdon, Shinya Yamanaka c) Carol W. Greider, Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Jack W. Szostak d) Emil von Behring 2) For what was Nobel Prize 2012 for Medicine given? a) Tuberculosis research b) Stem cell research c) Discovery of a key mechanism in the genetic operatin of cells d) Contributions to cancer research 3) Who won Nobel Prize 2012 for Physics? a) John Rayleigh, William Strutt b) Philip Lenard c) Serge Haroche, David Wineland d) Ferdinand Braun