Tag: Popes

Alexander VI Quiz

1. When was Rodrigo Borgia born? a) 1 January 1431 b) 4 May 1434 c) 9 June 1436 d) 6 November 1438 2. Where was Rodrigo Borgia born? a) La Mancha b) Pamplona c) Barcelona d) Xativa 3. Which pope was Rodrigo Borgia’s uncle? a) Callixtus III b) Sixtus V c) Innocent VIII d) Benedict XV

John XXI Quiz

(John XXI is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 1. Where was Pedro Juliao born? a) Faro b) Porto c) Coimbra d) Lisbon 2. Which university did Pedro Juliao attend? a) University of Paris b) University of Pisa c) University of Padua d) Gregorian University 3. Where did Pedro Juliao teach medicine? a) University of Moscow b) University of Warsaw c) University of Siena d) Copenhagen University

Calixtus III Quiz

(Calixtus III, also known as Callixtus III or Callistus III, is referred to as Alonso de Borja for the times before he became pope.) Copyright © 2009 Vincent Augustine D’Souza 1. When was Alonso de Borja born? a) 31 December 1378 b) 5 June 1401 c) 3 July 1402 d) 11 December 1404 2. Where was Alonso de Borja born? a) Lisbon b) Barcelona c) Jativa d) La Mancha 3. To which king was Alonso de Borja secretary? a) Alfonso V b) Henry V c) Edward II d) George II

Innocent X Quiz

1. When was Giambattista Pamfili born? a) 9 January 1583 b) 6 May 1574 c) 21 June 1585 d) 3 November 1586 2. Where was Giambattista Pamfili born? a) Como b) Gravina c) Rome d) Bologna 3. Where was Giambattista Pamfili nuncio? a) Belgium b) Sweden c) Bohemia d) Naples

Urban VII Quiz

A quiz on Pope Urban VII. He was Pope for thirteen days in September 1590. He was of Genoese origin, although born in Rome. He was chosen successor of Pope Sixtus V, but died of malaria before consecration.

Paul II Quiz

1. When was Pietro Barbo born? a) 23 February 1417 b) 9 May 1418 c) 21 July 1414 d) 14 December 1412 2. Where was Pietro Barbo born? a) Naples b) Florence c) Genoa d) Venice 3. Where was Pietro Barbo archdeacon? a) Bologna b) Nicosia c) Valetta d) Skopje

Sixtus IV Quiz

1. When was Francesco della Rovere born? a) 8 January 1416 b) 9 May 1418 c) 21 July 1414 d) 14 December 1412 2. Where was Francesco della Rovere born? a) Abisola b) Florence c) Genoa d) Verona 3. Which university did Francesco della Rovere attend? a) University of Paris b) University of Pavia c) University of Belgrade d) University of Athens

Adrian VI Quiz

1. When was Adrian Dedel born? a) 2 March 1459 b) 3 May 1460 c) 22 August 1455 d) 16 October 1462 2. Where was Adrian Dedel born? a) Amsterdam b) Rotterdam c) The Hague d) Utrecht 3. Which university did Adrian Dedel attend? a) Louvain University b) Parma University c) Padua University d) Florence University

Gregory X Quiz

Blessed Pope Gregory X (Photo credit: Wikipedia) (Gregory X is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) Gregory X Quiz Questions with Answers Click here for answers 1. Where was Tedaldo Visconti born? a) Loreto b) Pompey c) Herculaneum d) Piacenza 2. Where did Tedaldo Visconti go on crusade in 1270? a) Algeria b) Palestine c) Ethiopia d) Angloa 3. How long was the vacancy of pope after the death of Clement IV? a) 12 days b) 10 weeks c) 14 months d) 33 months 4. Where was Gregory X elected pope? a) Avignon b) ... Read more

John XXIII Quiz

(John XXIII is referred by his baptismal name for the times before he became pope.) 1) When was Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli born? a) 1 January 1891 b) 12 May 1900 c) 4 July 1876 d) 25 November 1881 2) Where was Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli born? a) Sotto il Monte b) Rocca Secca c) Madrid d) Barcelona 3) When did Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli become the Patriarch of Venice? a) 1942 b) 1944 c) 1953 d) 1956