Tag: Maria Goeppert Mayer

Maria Goeppert Mayer Quiz

Maria Goeppert-Mayer, walking in to the Nobel ceremony with King Gustaf VI Adolf of Sweden (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Maria Goeppert Mayer was a German-born American theoretical physicist, and Nobel laureate in Physics. She was the second female Nobel laureate in physics, after Marie Curie. – Wikipedia Maria Goeppert Mayer Quiz Questions Click here for answers 1. When was Maria Goeppert born? a) 9 January 1908 b) 28 June 1906 c) 12 August 1904 d) 7 November 1902 2. Where was Maria Goeppert born? a) Kattowitz b) Hamburg c) Danzig d) Warsaw 3. At which university did Maria Goeppert get doctorate ... Read more